Invisible Connections

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"No!" I seethe, my hand instinctively drifting towards Terra's. "Get out. Now."

Noticing my distress, Scott, steps forward, "How do you know Terra?"

Lukas runs a hand through his hair with a shaky hand, "We're old friends." He lets out an exasperated sigh, "Look, I really don't have time to be explaining this to you. Terra doesn't have time." His blue eyes don't meet mine, his eyes roaming over Terra's pale face.

"I don't see why she needs to go with you." I spit.

"What Terra needs isn't here."

"And what is it that Terra needs?"

"She needs the nemeton. And she needs to get there now."

Scott narrows his eyes, placing a hand on the metal table, "How do you know all this?"

"Because he's an emissary." We all turn to face Deaton, our eyebrows raised. "And he's right, Terra needs to get to the nemeton now."

Scott nods without a question, picking up Terra gently. Black veins spread up his arm, causing him to wince and falter slightly, Terra's head falling back limply. I rush over, taking Terra from Scott, my lanky fingers wrapping tightly around her freezing arm and under her legs, "Is she in that much pain?"

"A lot. She's in a lot of pain." Scott rubs a hand up his arm as if rubbing the black veins away, turning to face Deaton in the process "Are you sure this will work?"

"This is the only thing left to try."

"Scott, let's go."

"You need me," Lucas states, brushing hair out of Terra's face as I try to pass by him. I scowl, watching his eyebrows furrow in mock concern as his fingers linger under Terra's jaw. There's no way Lukas is a good guy, especially when he caused Terra to have a panic attack.

"Fine. But it doesn't mean we trust you." Lukas nods, his eyes glinting in the limited light as we follow him out of the clinic. I raise an eyebrow when Lukas unlocks his car, "Um- no. No way."

"Look. I can tell you don't like me but that doesn't matter because Terra needs to get there." Lukas seethes, masking his anger only slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll be with you guys." Scott assures, pulling his bike helmet over his head. He revs his engine as Lukas opens the back door for me. I glare at him before laying Terra down gently in the back seat. I adjust her awkwardly hanging arm before moving to my seat on the passenger side.

A moment later Lukas starts the car and drives out of the vet parking lot, Scott following closely behind us. Lukas glances at me at least three times before I finally snap, my brown eyes boring into the side of his head. "Old friends? Then why did Terra react the way she did when she saw you here?"

"We left off on the wrong foot."

"I'm sure you did."

"Look man. I don't care what you think about me, all I care about is Terra living. She needs to be alive." I quirk an eyebrow at that. Just the way he iterates it doesn't seem right.

I decide to change the subject, "How do you even know where the nemeton is?"

"Don't worry about it."

"You know you being vague isn't going to make me trust you more."

"Does it really matter?" He muses, glancing at me from the side of his eye. "No matter what I say, you'll take Terra's word over mine."

Pressing my lips into a thin line I advert my gaze. Leaning back in my seat as a small smile grows on Lukas' face. Five minutes pass before Lukas pulls to the side of the dirt road. "What are you doing? We're obviously not there yet."

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