I Know You

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The first thing I remember is two hands lifting me from the ground. The next is their worried voices. They talk about me like I'm some sort of monster, like something they've never seen before. I should have known better too. Just as I was starting to get comfortable they turn on me. They don't want me around anymore.

I'm a monster.

Unknowingly my hand tightens around the one holding mine, my pale fingers intertwined with someone else's. My head is pounding and even the notion of opening my eyes is making me sick. Besides, I don't think they want me to wake up.

They're scared of me. Me. Terra Blake, is what they are scared of in a world of werewolves and who knows what else. Out of everything they are scared of me.

Even with my eyes closed I can feel the tears coming, my eyes burning with the sensation as I fight away the emotions.

"Terra, it's ok. We got you."

Holding back a sob at his words, my head rolls to the side. Only now realizing that I'm sitting up right do I wrench my eyes open. Gasping in shock, and pain, I bring my hand to my forehead. Bringing someone else's hand with me. Furrowing my eyebrows I follow the arm to meet the culprit.

The same person who was speaking those words, of comfort, and fear. Hesitantly I meet Stiles' gaze, my own watering slightly. "What happened?" I croak, my voice raw. Lightly shaking my hand out of Stiles' grasp I run my now free fingers through my dust covered hair.

Returning both hands to the steering wheel, Stiles directs his gaze to the dirt road, "I'm not sure, but all of a sudden you were freaking out, like you heard something, and then you were just gone. Poof, no Terra."

Growling under my breath when another wave of pain ripples through me, I clench my fists. "So what did happen?" Kira chimes in, poking her head in-between us.

Glancing at Malia through the rear view mirror, I answer, "You didn't hear it?" As she shakes her head my body tenses, "It was Scott, the alpha's roar."

"Terra, we didn't hear anything." Lydia states slowly, her lips pursed in thought.

"I'm not sure what happened after that." I mumble, glancing at the rest of the group in hopes they would tell me why they were calling me a monster. What did I do?

Nervously, Kira stutters, "What? After that? Nothing really. I mean, you fell out of the car, but it's good now cause we put the child safety on. Not that you're a child! I mean, if it was on before you wouldn't have fallen out-"

"Kira." Malia growls.

"What aren't you guys telling me?" I whisper, all eyes turning to me sadly at that moment.

"I'll tell you when we get back." Stiles states softly, his hand reaching out and squeezing my shoulder, "I promise. I'll tell you everything."

The conversation ends at that, a sunken city sitting before us. Driving around the deep crater, Stiles drives into the city through a hidden ramp. The mercenaries bike visible up ahead. A single flash light beam shines through a cracked open door in the church. Pulling the car to a stop we all jump out as three people emerge from the sunken ruins. And by all of us jumping out I mean, everyone except for me. Once Lydia is out, she helps me get to the rest of the group, my arm wrapped around her shoulder as I limp with her.

All standing in a line, Stiles moves forward as Scott and the tan girl approach with what I assume is Derek. "Is that him?" Malia asks the question on everyone's mind, because before us isn't a man but a teenager. And by the looks of it he's in worse shape than I am, and that's saying something.

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