Chapter 32: Mark's Mark

Start from the beginning

     Quise looked at me. "You think I'm stupid Thena? I know you don't care about me. No one cares about me."

     "Stop listening to him! Don't you see what he's doing? He's filling your head with bad thoughts. You know this is wrong Quise. You know people care about you. Melissa loves you. She went through all this trouble just to be here and stop you from ruining you guys' life together. Your parents care for you even though they don't show it. They just need help getting through what they're going through. Quise... I care about you. Even though were not together, I still don't want you to throw your life away for a man who could care less. Quise... please don't do this."

     Quise put the knife up to Marcus' neck. I watched him struggle to stab him. Every second Quise's hand Trembled more and more. He continued trembling to do it until he dropped the knife out of his hand. He fell to the ground and started crying. "Why me? I didn't do anything wrong! I'm so sorry everybody."

     I untied Marcus from the chair. He was very weak and had to hold onto me just to stand up. He smiled weakly. "I never been happier to see yo' ass."

     I smiled back at him. "I've never been happier to see you too." I kissed him and we kept kissing for a few more seconds.

     He moved back from the kiss and yelled out in pain. "We need to go and take care of this before we do anything else."

     I nodded my head. "Okay. Ill be right back though. I want to ask them something." I sat him down on the couch and walked towards Quise and Melissa. Quise was lying on the ground still crying while Melissa comforted them. I stood above them and smiled. "You guys going to be cool getting back home?"

     "Yeah. Ill talk to you later Thena. We gotta' lot of catching up to do." We both laughed. I'm so happy that I have my best friend back. I finally feel like that void in my life is finally filled. The drama is over with everyone. Everything will go back to normal.

     That's when I felt the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. A sharp needle-like pain that grew as every second past. It started in my lower back and spreaded around my body. It was soon unbearable. I fell to the ground and stared at who was standing above me. "Dumb bitch. Shouldn't have fucked wit' my money."

     I saw Melissa jump up and run to me, crying. "Thena are you okay?" I couldn't even answer. The only thing I felt was complete drowsiness. I knew what this was. This was me dying, and I had no control over it. Melissa continued to call my name when I didn't answer. "Athena! Answer me please! I can't lose you, I just got you back!"

     She ran around the room looking for who knows what. I knew I was supposed to stay wake but it was so hard. She ran back. "Quise help me! Take Thena to the car!"

     I looked at the ceiling. Who would've guessed it, me going out like this. In this time I realized no one could prepare for their death. It'll just happen. It's painful at first, but then you are overcome with a powerful sleepy feeling. My body was just telling me to rest. Finally I listened.

     The place turned dark. Darker than I had ever experienced. I was lying there, and didn't sense anyone. The only thing that was visible was a very dim light. The more I let my sleep take over, the brighter the light became. This was it. I was leaving everyone I loved behind. This was me dying.

     GOOD DAY EVERYONE. So how was the chapter? Id like to say one of my best, but you're the judge of that. Did you guys like this chapter as much as I did? If you did... the comments are waiting for you.

So Quise wow. Finally cracked. I know we all thought he was crazy. I did at least. Will this last forever or will the nut recover from it? And wow. I know you guys weren't expecting that ending. Originally it was going to be Quise who took the fatal blow, but I decided to switch it up, just because I'm evil. What will happen with Athena? Will she live to see another day or is she gone for good?

Don't forget to comment/vote. That stuff gives me life. Like seriously.

As always...

You guys inspire me!!

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