Chapter 32: Mark's Mark

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  Quise turned around. I couldn't believe this was really him. I never imagined any of the stuff that happened actually happening, from Melissa drugging Marcus, to Sean getting shot and Quise kidnapping Marcus. I sat there and stared in awe at Quise's anger driven face. Mark was sitting at the kitchen counter smoking what smelled like weed. I was furious. He was the one behind all of this. If it weren't for him Quise would still be the same old Quise that he was. Melissa and he wouldn't have ever ended up together because mark wouldn't have put that in his head. Sean wouldn't have been shot and we wouldn't even be here right now.

     I watched Melissa slowly walk towards Quise. I was so terrified. Quise was sitting there, gripping the knife roughly in his hand standing above Marcus. I stared at Marcus. He was wearing the same thing from the day I came to his house: a white tee and black Levi pants. I noticed that his shirt was stained red and immediately got worried. Quise obviously stabbed Marcus and now he was losing a lot of blood. He looked weaker every time I looked at him.

     Melissa finally was close enough to touch Quise on the shoulder. I saw her hand trembling as she raised it. I can only imagine how scared she is right now. At this point we don't know what Quise could do. He seems explosive. She stared into his eyes. "Quise."

     He looked at her still angry. "Why are you here Melissa? I left you a note."

     "I'm here to talk you out of this." She said calmly.

     "You can't talk me out of this. I've wanted to do this ever since his bitch ass came back. People like this can't live. People who think they're better than everyone else. Do you know how many times this nigga embarrassed me? He tried to sleep with you! " He said as swung the knife around. He was very sweaty and you could tell his body was high on adrenaline.

     Melissa sat and sighed. "Quise. You know that's not true. You know what I really did. And you shouldn't worry about that. I have to wake up everyday, knowing that I caused so much drama, to cause my best friend to hate me." She couldn't hold back her tears. She began crying again.

     I walked up to her and hugged her to comfort her. I know we only had a limited amount of time before Marcus passed out, but this was part of the process. All of the emotions in the room could've broke Quise. "Its okay. We're going to get through this and be friends again, I promise." I turned my head and looked Quise in the eye. "You can't do this. This isn't you Quise. The real Quise would never hurt anyone. He loved everyone and made him or her feel happy. Its him that's putting this thuggish mentality in your head." I pointed at Mark, as he smoked his blunt.

     "No! I wont listen to you! You don't know me anymore!" he yelled as he wiped sweat off of his face.

     "Quise it's me. Athena. This is wrong and you know it. Imagine how it's going to be after this moment. If you kill Marcus now, where is that going to get you? Yes you'll feel good for a moment but the guilt will kill you. And imagine if you get caught. You're child will grow up without a father, and possibly turn out like you. Just put the knife down Quise."

     Quise's knife was trembling in his hand. Mark was staring at the entire scene and we could tell he was getting irritated. "You gonna' let some bitch who dumped you tell you what to do? You know she don't care about you, she just want to keep her nigga alive."

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