Chapter 12: Donuts

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*Two Weeks Later...

Marcus and I have been together for two weeks now. He's treated me like the world: he buys me things almost everyday and I even got to meet his parents.

Also Marcus has become more involved in school. In just two weeks he raised his grades up enough to play basketball. He became the star quickly and I cheer at every game.

I sat with Melissa, Chad and Marcus at lunch. Melissa and Chad were together, so everyday was like a double-date. Marcus had his arm wrapped around Mr, “I bought you some donuts baby. ”

I laughed at him. “Why?”

He pulled the box out of his backpack. It was a plain white box. I took the box from him and opened it. Inside were my favorite types of donuts. On the top of the inside of the box were words written with marker. I read it out loud, “Roses are red, donuts are bomb. I was wondering if you would be my date to prom? ”

Marcus smiled at me. It was so adorable and corny for him to do something like this. “So?”

I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. “Yes I'll go to prom with you. Now let me eat my donuts.”

Melissa and Chad smiled at us. Melissa seemed more happy than Chad, which bothered me. He was probably not over me yet, so it would be better if I ignored his jealousy.

[Regular POV]

Once again Marquis was depressed.

He thought he was finally over Athena, but once he heard Marcus and Athena were going to prom together, he felt his old feelings coming back.

The love of his life really had moved on. He planned on gaining her trust again, then getting back with her, but that didn't seem like an option anymore.

Anger took over Marquis. He grabbed a vase in his room and threw it at the wall. He stood and started to breathe heavy. Then an idea struck him.

Marquis picked up his phone and looked down his contacts. He found the right one and pressed call. “Aye you want to go to the prom with me Candy? ”

She laughed.“ Damn Quise, you straight to it. Ain't chu still with that one bitch?”

Marquis growled. “No. I been over her. ”

“That's good. I couldn't stand her ass. Yeah I'll go to prom with you.”

Marquis smiled. “What you doing right now?”

Candy held the phone against her ear while she held the curling iron. “Curling my sister hair. Why?”

“I was gonna come through.”

Candy looked around for someone who was listening.“ Come over around 10. My momma be in the bed by then. ”

Marquis got confused. “You gonna do it with yo momma in the house? ”

Candy laughed at Marquis. “Um yeah. She can't control me- I'm 18 now. ”

“Aye, I guess. I'll see you later. ” Marquis hung up the phone. He sighed. “Thots, I swear. ”

So yeah straight to business. How do you feel about Marcus and Athena? I think they're a good couple... For now.

And Marquis moving on.... Wow. I don't like Candy too much. What do you think about her? Who is she deep down?

As always...

You guys inspire me!!

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