Chapter 14: Bowling Kisses

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I woke up. I was still a bit sore from Marcus last night, but it was a good sore. I have been waiting to have sex with him since we meet and when we exchanged “I love you's ”, I couldn't hold it back.

I walked to my bus stop. Melissa sat on her porch and watched me walk. She shook her head and walked up to  me.“Really? Already?”

I raised my eyebrow. “What are you talking about? ”

“You had sex with Marcus.” she groaned.

I gasped and pulled her aside. “How do you know? ” I whispered.

“By the way you walking. ” she looked into my eyes, “Just don't let him hurt you, okay? ” I nodded and we waited on our bus stop.


Marcus talked to his friends. He looked so cute talking to his friends. He took a look at me and smiled. “There go my girlfriend y'all!” he yelled.

I blushed and looked at him. “Why Marcus? ”

He walked up to me and kissed me on my cheek. “I want everybody to know bout us.”

“Aww that's sweet.” I kissed him back.

We began making out. It was like magic and I ignored everything outside of us. Then Chad walked up to us. “Hey Thena! I gotta tell you something. ”

I pulled way from the kiss.“Um what is it Chad?”

“Melissa and I wanted to know if y'all could double date tonight. ” he told me.

“Yeah that's cool. Where? ” I asked him.

“At the bowling alley by your house at 7. Melissa said you'll know which one.”

Marcus stared at Chad. It was a deep and awkward stare, and I could feel how angry he was. “Okay. That's cool. See you later Chad. ”

Chad waved and walked away. I sighed and walked with Marcus to my locker. He was quieter than usual. I put my locker combinaton in and stared at him. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah. I gotta… tell my boys that our plans off. ” he ran off.

[Regular POV]

Marcus roamed the halls on the lookout.  He walked up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder. “Do we gotta problem nigga?”

“What are you talking about? ” the boy frowned.

“You keep on tryna fuck wit' my girl.  Now look, I don't care about chu having a little crush on her just know she ain't with you. ”

Chad raised an eyebrow. “How are you just going assume that I like her? You don't even know me.”

“I'm tryna be civil. You Athena friend but don't think I won't knock yo teeth. Now I'm good at reading people and I saw the way you was acting when you seen us kissing. ”

“Man, bye.” Chad smacked his lips and walked off.

“He act like a lil' bitch, I swear. ” Marcus grinded his teeth and walked off.


Wow I haven't been here in forever. ” Athena gasped and looked around. The place looked almost the same except it was bigger now.

Marcus looked at her. “When you used to come here?”

“Before my daddy left to the army, he always took our family and Melissa's family here once a week. I guess after he left it just fell off. ”

“Well,” he put him arm around ger.“we can start coming here every week if you want to.”

She nodded her head. “I'd like that. ” They walked until we saw Chad and Melissa. They were laughing because Chad tripped when he was going to swing. “Hey y'all. "

Melissa went over and gave her a hug. They were both a little emotional because of the memories here. Melissa wiped the tears off her eyes. “We didn't come here to cry Thena.” They laughed and started bowling.

Marcus was surprised how good Athena was at bowling. She almost got all strikes and everyone sat in awe. She laughed. “What? Was I supposed to be bad?”

They nodded there heads. After Athena won a few games, they all went to the food court. They all ordered slushies and pizza. They joked around.

“I'm happy that we can do stuff like this. ” Melissa smiled.

“Stuff like what? ” I asked her laughing.

“You know, be happy. I never thought we would be so happy and in love at an early age like this.” she explained. Chad didn't want to talk about it so he sat in silence. Athena and Marcus kissed and it made Chad angry inside.

He looked down at his phone and pretended he got a text.“My mom said she's on her way.. I'm going to go stand outside and wait. "

“Well bye baby. Can I get a kiss before you leave?”
Chad kissed her and left.

“Well I guess we the only couple now. ” Marcus joked and swung his arm around Athena. He knocked over her slushy all over her.

“Oh my god!”she yelled. It turned her white dress to now blue.

Marcus gasped.“Baby I'm sorry. Here lemme help-”he grabbed some napkins.

She pushed him away. “It's okay. I got a change of clothes in my car.” she walked out.

Chad was sitting on a bench outside. He saw her skirt and started laughing. “What happened to you?”

“Marcus accidentally spilled a slushy on me.”she said and kept walking. Chad followed her.

He stared at her. “Why do you like him? ”

She stopped looking for the skirt and raised an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”

I mean we both know how he is. I'm surprised he stayed with you this long. ”he told her.

“Chad why are you messing with me? I told you, I don't like you anymore.”she groaned.

“Why not? When we first met, I know you felt something for me. The way we were talking when I asked for your number, I swear we could've been a couple. I'm nice, funny, and caring but you still don't want me.”

“You're with my best friend! I can't be with you! ” She yelled at him.

“Just tell me- did you ever have feelings for me? ”

Athena sighed. Yes, she used to be crazy about him. But she was in a relationship now. He was too. With her best friend. But she told him the truth. “Yes. I used to like you.”

“Thats all I wanted to know.” Chad walked up to her and kissed her. At first Athena was outraged, but she soon forgot about that. She began to feel those fireworks she first felt when they met.

Then she remembered Marcus and Melissa. How would they both feel about this? She pushed chad away. “ We can't do this. That's my best friend. ” She ran back inside the bowling alley.

Dont got enough time to do all the questions but comment anyways! And don't forget to ready other book, Missing In Touch!

As always..

You guys inspire me!!

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