Chapter 10: You My Girl

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I watched Marcus talk to his friends. He hovered over everyone else with his height, making him look like the leader of the group. We made eye contact and I got butterflies in my stomach. Marcus told his friends that he'd be back and caught up with me.

He hugged me from behind. My butterflies only got worse, and he stayed like that for a moment. I looked at him on my shoulder. "Hey, you. "

He turned his head, stabbing his chin into my shoulder. "Wassup momma. You like last night?" He kissed me on my cheek.

I grinned at him and pushed his head off of me. "You're not going to keep kissing if we're not official. "

He raised his eyebrow. "Guess imma have to change that huh?" I smiled at him as he got on one knee and pulled out a ring pop. "Athena Ross, will you be my girlfriend? "

Everyone was surrounding us recording, laughing. I looked around. "Um I don't know, do I know you that well? " Marcus stared at me confused and I started smiling. "Just kidding! Yes I'll be your girlfriend!"

Marcus picked me up and spun me around. I was surprised that he could pick me up so high, but maybe it's from all his basketball practices. He kissed me again. "Now I can do it how much as I want. " I pushed his head away and he kissed me again.

I looked at my watch. I had only a few minutes to get back to class. I grabbed my backpack and history book and started to sprint away. Marcus grabbed me and puckered his lips. "Can yo man get one more kiss before you leave?"

I playfully groaned. "Haven't you had enough already? " I kissed him quickly and ran to class.


The history teacher waited until the bell rang to begin. He walked around the classroom and collected everyone's homework, before sitting in his desk and turning on his projector.

He grabbed his laser pointer and began speaking. "Now class, I have been telling you all year that you will have a project, haven't I?" everyone nodded," I have decided that you will all research a specific culture. We will need the background as well as defines them. This will be completed with a partner and I-"

The door slowly crept open. There was Marquis, standing there. I let a sigh of relief out inside because he wasn't hurt. He looked at the teacher, "Hello."

The teacher groaned. "Hello Mr. Collins. Take your seat. " The room was silent until he was in his seat. "Like I was saying I will pair you with a specific person based on work type as well as your relationship with them."

I raised my hand,"Can't I just work alone?"

The teacher shook his head. "No you cannot Ms. Ross." he picked up a piece of paper, "Here are the pairs. Joe and Javan, you guys are together. Shania and Jaywuan. " he continued naming names until he got to me, "Athena and Marquis. "

I froze up. I started to tell the teacher that we couldn't work together immediately, but I didn't want to embarrass him. He told us to go ahead and get in our pairs and everyone moved their chairs. I walked up to his desk, "Can I ask you something? "

He finished typing something into his computer and looked up at me. "Yes you can. What is it? "

I looked back at Marquis who was sitting alone on his phone."I can't work with Marquis. We aren't on the best terms. "

"Oh? I thought you two were romantically involved."he asked me.

"We broke up a few months ago. " I confessed to him.

He sighed and looked down his sheet. "There's no extras so you just have to suck it up." I groaned and walked back to my seat.

I smiled at Marquis awkwardly. He looked at me, looking more depressed than when I talked to him. "So you really did move on huh?" He faced his Snapchat and showed me someone's story. It showed Marcus asking me out.

I looked into Marquis' eyes. They looked sad and weary. "Yeah. I really like him."

He sighed. "I'm happy for you. Just know if he hurt you..." he balled his fist.

I smiled. "Thanks. " it was silent for a little too long. "So I was thinking we could do ours over Greek culture. " Marquis laughed lightly. "What?"

"Just that cho name is the goddess of wisdom and all. Smart idea. " We both started laughing at his corny joke.


So once again, Wattpad was messing with me. I had to retype everything. But it's better now.

So yeah Marcus and Athena. They're official. They're the perfect couple right? Well that's for now. But how to you think Marcus truly feels about her? Does he just want the punani or her heart?

And finally Marquis came back to school. What do you think he went through afterwards at home? And that scene with Athena. Is he really over her? Or trying to work his way back into her heart?

As always...

You all inspire me!!

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