They Say Goodbye..

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Louis POV

I got up and Harry held lily for me. “What do you want from me Eleanor” I snapped while standing in front of her, and to be honest I towered over her. “You know you want me” I stepped back and rolled my eyes.

“What the fuck, why do you think that?”

“Your body speaks to me Louis” Eleanor smirked.

“Uhm what the fuck… You want to know what my body wants?” I walked over to Harry as the kids were back playing with Liam and Niall and I signalled at them to keep the kids occupied. I shoved my hand down Harry’s pants and he bit on my shoulder moaning. His moans just get to me.

Harry laughed and began palming my crotch and my member was coming to attention. I placed my lips on Harry’s and immediately shoved my tongue in his mouth. Feeling and sucking and just generally taking in his presence. I stood up and showed her my erection, I mean I don’t normally have it on show for people other than Harry but honestly did she think he didn’t turn me on like crazy.

“Oh he’s standing up at me Louis” Eleanor licked her lips and lunged at me.  “GET OFF HIM” Niall and Aiden lunged at her. Aiden was slapping her legs and I couldn’t help but smile at my sassy son. Eleanor very quickly let go and I totally missed what was happening before I heard a scream. I got up and saw that Harry was missing.

“HARRY, BABY!” I yelled looking around. Eleanor was only laughing, I then realised and ran over. “YOU FUCKING PUSHED MY HUSBAND OFF A CLIFF YOU WHORE” I slapped her and shoved her backwards as I dove off the bank.

I landed with a little stinging sensation but I quickly panicked trying to find Harry. “babe please” I pleaded searching around. I could hardly see underwater. I then saw him floating, “HARRY!” I yelled totally flipping out. I quickly grabbed his shirt pulling him out onto the grass. I grabbed off my jacket and held it over his head that wouldn’t stop bleeding. I think Harry has been knocked out. “LIAM,NIALL!” I yelled just slightly panicking. There was bloody everywhere. “LIAM PLEASE, Do something!” Liam quickly began dabbing at it with my jacket and Niall ran to the car to grab the first aid kit which those cars bloody have stored in them somewhere thank god.

“You’re welcome” Eleanor sneered.

“Oh and when he dies you can always come back to me” She blew me a kiss and stormed off.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH” I grabbed her tackling her to the ground slapping her, I couldn’t help it but all she’s done is ruin my life. Aiden and Lily were pulling on Harry’s shirt. “Daddy!” “DAD” their pleas along with mine were heart breaking.

Liam quickly bandaged his head and I was lying with my head gently on his chest and placing kisses on his cheek. “He’s alright Louis, the bleeding is minor” Liam smiled and sat next to me hugging me. “Thanks Liam”

“BOO!” Harry screamed sitting up and laughing. “Holy fuck” I screamed jumping back. “Oh god. Kids please ignore my language” I threw myself into his arms and pecked his lips constantly. “My head hurts like a bitch, maybe I will sit down for a bit” I laughed and pulled him onto my lap.

“Oh my god baby, I thought I was gonna lose you” I cooed while playing with his wet curls.

“You would never lose me, even if you wanted to” I replied kissing his forehead.

I gently held Harry by the waist pulling him in again, our lips met just like it was the first time all over again. His hands were around my neck and his tongue had entered my mouth. I would never get tired of him and his kisses. I smiled into the kiss.

 I stood up signalling for Aiden and Lily to come and have a hug, I then forgot harry and I should kneel down in order to have a proper hug. I had my arms around Harry and the two kids inbetween. Niall began crying. “Why are you crying?” Harry questioned. “It’s all so beautiful, our future with our kids, our life and just everything” I pulled Niall into the hug in which Liam and the kids joined in. It turned into one big hug of my new family. I couldn’t help but shed tears and to be honest none of us had dry cheeks.

I knew this is where I belonged, I guess I always knew. I belonged in Harry’s arms, he belonged in mine. The kids and Liam and Niall and everyone, I couldn’t be happier. All to think this started with me becoming their History Teacher. I wouldn’t have had my future turn out differently.

“Oh your such a sap, yes you said that out loud” Harry replied winking, I slapped him over the head knowing he was still that cheeky 19 year old I fell in love with a year ago today.

The End.


Goodbye. I have loved having you share this journey with me. Sorry this was a bad ending but i was so emotional and in denial it was ending. So i'm sorry! Love to you all. <3 xxxx 

PS If you read another one of my stories and comment you were a reader of The History Teacher I will give you a dedication :D xxxx

The History Teacher Student/Teacher (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz