He Lufs You..

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YOU DID IT! IN LIKE 4 HOURS!! amazing amazing AMAZAYN! haha anyway I really hope you like this! I actually do like it and don't think it sucks... Awkward flagpole if you think it sucks but I really liked it! :D Yay thank you all for your just totally awesome comments and votes! Soo anywho on with the chapter.. PLEASE CAN I GET.... 16 Votes and 13 comments and I will give you another update later tonight? You wil have to be fast! Ok love you all! .xx

Harry POV

"Harry darling, just cause you are engaged and someone loves the failed you doesn't mean you can flunk school... GET UP you need to go to school" I chuckled. She has taken this engagement like seriously well. 

I get up and get into my nice navy blazer and chinos. Even though we are engaged I still have to give off a good impression. Thankfully i won over his mother and sisters the other day... I put my ipod in while humming along. "Look it's mister I am engaged so I can't care about a thing" Gemma flicked my shoulder. "Why are you still here?" I poked my tongue out heading down the stairs.

"Thanks mum" I grabbed the bag and lunch she made up for me. "Don't forget I am your mother you better be home after school" I chuckled. "The only place I will ever be is Louis, but fine I won't go around to his" Mum smiled lovingly. "I have some wedding stuff to go over with you" My heart literally jumped in my chest, I am getting married WOoo wedding planning talk about exciting. 

"Alright, I love you" I blew her a kiss and headed out the door. "Look if it isn't mister I have a fiance" I slapped Zayn on the shoulder. "Don't tell the world they may put pieces together" He grabbed my hand and perved at the ring. "Look at this beauty" I chuckled. "I know right... How the hell do I hide it?" 

"I would take it off if I was you Harry" Liam interupted. "But I don't want too!" 

"But remember if everyone see's Louis with a ring and then you with the exact same oh look they are engaged" I rolled my eyes, even though he does have a point. "Fine I will take it off" I slowly placed it in my zip up pocket, I ain't loosing that beauty. "I thought I would text Louis so he doesn't feel upset when he see's me without my ring.


Hey Sexy! haha I am soo original! Liam told me it is best if I take my ring off so people don't see our matching rings. As much as I want to keep it on! :( I LOVE YOU xo

"He will understand Harry" Niall comforted me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


Hey Gorgeous! That's fine, I ain't removing mine I want the whole class to know I am TAKEN! Love you more than the world xoxo

Aww my heart is fluttering around my chest. "Lemme see that" Niall grabbed my phone. "Hey Hey Gorgeous! That's fine, I ain't removing mine I want the whole class to know I am TAKEN! Love you more than the world ex oh ex oh" Niall read out loud. "Niall give it back now!" he laughed and handed it back to me. I pretented to be mad at him.

"OMG I have an idea" I grabbed out a pen and drew a fake ring around my ring finger just pretending I had a ring on or more or less my ring drawn with a pen. Yes stupid but you don't know how badly i want to be wearing that ring right now. "Anyone wanna head to history early?" my face obviously lit up. "I'm in!" I chimed.

"Uhh I knew you were in dick, Liam? Niall?" they both nodded and we headed into the classroom. Louis wasn't in the room yet, dammit! We took our seats down the back and Niall sat on Liam's lap yet again. This time I don't have jellybeans to through at them as they make out. Liam and Niall closed the gap between them making out.... I saw Niall's hands tracing under Liam's shirt. "KEEP IT PG YOU DICKS" Zayn shouted while laughing. Niall and Liam showed no signs of stopping. 

I heard the door handle open and I got up hoping to run into Louis's arms. I had a smile on my face, oh how I miss him. Instead Eleanor and her possy walked in, "You fuckwit don't look so excited to see me, there is nothing between us anymore! I am your ex and plus Louis and I have a thing" I chuckled. Her and Louis have a thing oh wait till she sees that ring... Zayn and I pretty much sat down and cracked up. "Wait till she see's that ring Harry" Zayn spoke in between his chuckles. "I can't wait"

Finally after 10 minutes the class was full but no sign of Louis..... I am starting to worry and grabbed out my phone.


Where are you? I am worrying xo

My phone quickly vibrated..


Sorry love! Traffic, just running in the school gates now... xo

I felt myself begin breathing again, I couldn't have handled if something had happened to him. I am awaiting his arrival into the class. Just as expected Louis came flying through the door with apologies. He sat down at his desk and I can see that ring clearly, and off goes my heart a fluttering mess yet again. I heard Eleanor gasp oh heheeh I went there. Zayn and I slyly hi fived under the table. Niall and Liam are still making out. "Niall please grab a seat next to Liam and not on his lap" 

Niall smiled at Louis knowing he had to do it. Louis began teaching us something so irrelevant because to be honest I wasn't paying any attention at all. I kept my eyes glued to that ring, I feel so proud of it. Now that is one territorial mark.

"Louis aarrr-ee you eng----eennngaged?" Eleanor was a stuttering mess. Louis smiled, "Yes everyone in fact I am, as of yesterday I am now a very taken man" Aww I feel so proud of him. I heard Eleanor having an absolute tantrum to her friends. I was blushing like mad, I put my head on the desk to hide it all. "Why Louis, why do you go get engaged you are too young to be stuck in a relationship" Jessica was just backing Eleanor up. "Actually I am allowed to be engaged to who I want and any age I want and I love this person very much. they light up my life" DAMMIT LOUIS YOU ARE MAKING ME FUCKING BLUSH AGAIN! Zayn was poking me. "aww he lufs you" I chuckled. "Buzz off Zayn" 

PLEASE CAN I GET.... 16 Votes and 13 comments and I will give you another update later tonight? You wil have to be fast! Ok love you all! I CAN SEE YOU 70 READERS WHO DON'T VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LEAVE THIS TO THE OTHERS YOU WON'T GET ANOTHER UPDATE TONIGHT! PS I will stop with the caps lock now! So get commenting and voting if you want another chappie! LOVE YOU .xx

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