Love Is Easy..

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 Hey everyone!

*Firstly... woohoo I'm back again, sorry this is a really short update because well I didn't have time to be honest. Yes I know excuses, excuses.

*Secondly... Well you guys did amazing voting but well your comments were kind of disappointing so from now on yeah i'm not gonna update unless I get a reasonable amount.

*Thirdly... Well I'm thinking of ending this in maybe 3 or 4 chapters depends.


I love you all. xxx

Liam POV

“Ryan come on sweetie we need to go pick up Lily and Aiden” I called out to Ryan who wanted to crab his model planes to show Aiden.

“Coming Daddy” Ryan replied and I couldn’t help but kind of blush. I mean Harry,Niall and Zayn always used to call me Dad because I always seemed to have my head on straight but now I am a father of two kids and it still gets to me.

“Holly and I are ready” Niall gently pecked my lips before placing Holly in the car seat in the back seat of the car.

I looked up and saw Ryan running down the pathway. “Jesus Ryan baby careful” he then jumped into my arms as I picked him up and swung him around. “That’s my boy” Ryan just beamed at me as I placed him in next to Holly.

Niall locked the door and got in the car beside me and I pulled out the driveway and then into Louis and Harry’s place. Yes right next door but we need the car because we are going back to the waterfall where Louis proposed to Harry and have a day out there.

“Come on Haz” I could hear Louis’ voice chorusing as soon as I stepped out of the car.

“Sorry it’s your fault I’m walking so slow” I looked at Niall and we then realised what must have happened yesterday while they stayed out. “AHAHAHAHA” Nialls voice trailed through the driveway.

“SHUT UP NIALL” Harry growled before heading through the door and locking it after him. Harry quickly picked up Aiden and began walking to the car.

Louis POV

Yes I am slightly sore from last night but Harry and I had a quickie this morning before we had to head back and yes Harry’s having problems. “Aww babe” I pecked Harrys lips.

“EeWWWW” Aiden put his hands over Lily’s eyes. Harry and I both laughed while getting in the car and following Liam and Niall to our destination.

“You sure your alright Harry?” I questioned before smirking.

“Not so hard next time? I mean not when I have to do a whole heap of working!” Harry growled and then turned his attention back to the road.

“What are you and daddy talking about Lou?” Aiden asked.

“Well uhm I took Daddy Haz  to the gym this morning and gave him a hard work out to do and he’s a little sore” I looked over at Harry and he was trying to contain his laughter.

“Aww that was mean dad” Aiden scolded me.

We had a quiet rest of the ride to our destination and Harry finally pulled up beside Liam’s car and we began unloading the kids and lunch and bags.

“You’re cover up was pretty genius Lou” Haz gently kissed my neck.

“Hmmm” Was my only response because I was now captivated by him.

I grabbed Lily’s hand and Harry grabbed Aiden’s as we began walking down the dirt track towards the opening by the waterfall.

“Daddy where are we going?” Aiden asked Harry.

“This is the place where your dad proposed to me Aiden, we are going to have a lunch and maybe a swim”

“YAAAAAY!!” All the kids chorused, they are all water bugs.

We finally made it and Liam and I worked to set out the big picnic blanket. Aiden and Ryan were playing with Ryan’s model planes and Lily and Holly played with Barbies on the blanket.

“Can’t believe we are back here but both of us have kids now” I spoke while sitting down next to Harry.

“I know it’s so unreal” Niall replied smiling and nudging Liam.

I gently leaned over and kissed Harry, It was chaste but I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer. I was running out of breath so I pulled back but rubbed our noses together. “I love you”

“I love you too” Harry replied smiling and gently pecked my lips before speaking “Well I’m hungry so who wants lunch?”

“Oii, I will do the honours thank you!” Niall sassed pulling back from his previous make out session with Liam. I began dishing out the sandwiches and juice boxes to the children and Harry and I shared half a ham and salad sandwich. "Thanks for the sammies Liam" 

"You're welcome Lou, we can't forget to thank harry for the lovely desert cake things" Liam replied and Harry smiled.

"Well it had to be perfect because this day is going to be perfect" Harry replied.

"Well not if I can help it" We all swiftly turned towards the voice and watched her brown unmissable curls appear out of the bushes. "Well hello boys" Eleanor smirked. 

"Oh fuck" was the only thing ringing in my head.

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