Hazza And BooBear..

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Hello Loves!

*Firstly... I would like to apologise for the fact I haven't updated in like 6 days or something! Sorry I went into a new job and had all kinds of packing to do and I let the world catch up on me... SORRY

*Secondly... You are all amazing thanks for sticking with me even though I have been useless.

*Thirdly... Dedication to @xTrueDirectionerx Because her comments every time make my day! Everyone else keep commenting for the chance for a dedication!!

Shoutout tooooo..... @SammyFranco - Another amazing comment thank you lovely!! <3

*Fourthly... With the comment.. Larry Stylinson are Pear Punching With @WeHeart1Dxo and THT readers! 

*Fifthly.. SORRY IT'S SHORT but I was sooo busy and still am but wanted to at least give you something to show I still love you!!! <3

*Sixthly... Quota for the next chapter is 20 votes and 15 comments if you get that quickly I can hopefully give you a smut or scene of your choice next chapter!!! SO IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS COMMENT THEM! You could have the chappie dedicated and have your own plot for the chapter! <3

Louis POV

"Aiden come back here" "Aiden slow down" "AIDEN BE CAREFUL!" I all I hear coming from Harrys mouth. "Haz leave him he's alright" I let go of Lilys hands motioning for her to go play. "Thanks daddy Lou and Harry" She smiled before waddling to the playground. "Jesus Harry you are such a syco dad" I flicked his cheek. "I don't want my kids getting hurt in the second day we have them" Harry sassed back.

"Alright, I won't mess with the sassy dad" I moved myself closer to Harry while sitting on the park bench. I then decided I would straddle him. "Lou our kids are over there playing" I put my finger over his lips. "I'm not gonna fuck you while your sitting on the bench dip shit"

"Oh right, jokes!" I leaned in and gently pecked his lips. Harrys hands imedietly found my waist "Now who's getting forward" I joked back at Harry while rolling my eyes. "Fine, you caught me in the act" Harry replied while poking my exposed stomach. 

"Rude prick" I got off him and put out my hand to help him up. Harry grabbed my hand so I pulled the fat lump off the seat and we walked with our hands entwined. If this is what having a family feels like. I fucking love it.

Harry POV

"Lil just watch what your doing please?" I pleaded. Jesus these kids are so rough when they play. "Haz, I know they are babies and all. But you just can't baby them to much you know?" Louis informed me with his pretty useless information. "Yeah right whatever" 

I picked up a run towards the playground and Louis was on my heels. "I am gonna get you Styles" Louis hissed causing me to run faster. "No you won't" I was nearing the playground about to jump up onto the bark but no instead I was tackled to the ground. "Asshole!" I growled.

"Language Harry" Louis scoulded me. "Hmmph" I growled still trapped on the ground with Louis on top of me. "Louis move" I tried shoving him off. "But what if I like this position?" 

"So what?" I tried to roll out underneath him but it was no use I couldn't do a thing. "Aww Haz your eyes look nice from this angle" Louis gave me googly eyes. "Oh god, Your a creep Louis" I slapped his cheek playfully. "You get him daddy" Aiden cheered from the opening for the slide. "That's my boy, always on the good guys team" 

"actually Haz that's our boy, unless you wanna divorce and you can have all rights to Aiden??" 

"Yep, I like that idea. Now get off me you baboon" 

"You won't miss me?" Louis cooed.

"Not one bit" I got up and stormed off with my pretending to be pissed look on. "I will be back in a second Aiden" I yelled and carried my storming so I stood with my back on the tree. I heard footsteps approaching, oh fuck.

"You love me when I do this though" Louis hand was tracing up the inside of my thigh. I quickly changed positions so his back was on the tree. "You know I would never do that" I gently kissed his neck. "Good, I don't want you to leave me to die alone, I would miss you and Aiden"

"I'm not going anywhere" I gently pecked his lips again. "As much as I would love to have sex behind the tree, it's more comfortable at your flat" I cheekily spoke before turning on my heels and charging back to the playground. "There you are, you weren't doing what I think you were behind that tree?" Niall growled. "Nope still very G rated"

"Good!" Niall yelled before heading up the ladder to the playground. Louis headed up to join them. "How's being engaged Li?" I grabbed a seat on the bench with him. "I just can't believe it, mum wasn't to impressed at first but then she found out it was Niall and she was fine"

"You two are so perfect, honestly! When's the wedding?"

"Not sure yet" Liam replied. "God wedding planning is the worst, just get mine and Louis mums to help aswell I mean look at the wedding they put on. Anyway enough about me... Have you two thought about kids? "Well Niall would love kids after we get married so watch this space"

"Cute! Can Aiden and Lil be your flower girl and guy?"

"Of course! who else would we have" I can just imagine Aiden and Lil looking all dapper in their clothes for the wedding aww. Wooah what a strange flashback. Yep I just had a flash back of the sex we had at the honeymoon. Maybe I am getting a little horny... Maybe we should be using that flat sometime soon. "Li can you baby sit tonight?"

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