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After the restaurant closed everyone sat around in little groups talking, laughing, and some were singing. Lilly stood up getting everyone's attention. "I wanna thank everyone that's here tonight. None of this would have been possible without you. Judging by tonight Sidney, Australia has a new hot spot!" Every one clapped and cheered. Lilly looked at Jack. "Jack you've helped me in so many ways. Thank you for all you hard work. I know you'll be the best manager for this place, we all know its gonna neednay. Bryana, you have been amazing at helping me promote the place. Mom, Dad, thanks for all your help in letting me see that my dreams could be my reality. Luke, I'm sticking to my Maid of Honor speech. Keep her safe. Mikey. Calum. Stay awesome! Ashton, thanks for being the greatest friend I never deserved. And in short. All y'all rock!" Everyone cheered laughing except Ashton. He climbed on a table and yelled out. "Now everyone listen to me!" Everyonel stopped looking at him. He shuffled his feet awkwardly. Anne nodded at him, he needed to say what he was trying to. "Lulu, congrats on your third successful opening! But that's not what I really want to say. Three years ago to the day I let you walk away from me. That was my biggest mistake." Lilly looked lost, she wasn't sure what was going on. "I tried everything I could to get over you. I wrote sad songs and drank too much, I was a complete ass to everyone."

"He was! Especially to me!" Michael laughed.

Ashton smiled. "I know buddy but I'm trying to fix it!" Michael held a thumbs up sign. "What I'm trying to say is..." He hopped down from the table slowly walking over to Lilly who had her hand over her mouth. "I need you, I need you in my life. It's not the same without you. Lillian Maeve Davis, I want you forever in my life." By now Lilly was crying. She didn't know if she was angry or pissed. "Ash..." she squeaked. "I'm not taking no for an answer. I won't let you get away from me again." By then Ashton was standing before a very emotional Lilly. "Lilly, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

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