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Cheyenne POV...

"I can't believe I let her rope me into this again." I said sweeping the floor in my dad's shop. "I mean I really don't like her parents and I understand that she wouldn't mind having a friend there but. Ugh why am I such a good friend?" I laughed looking at Luke and Ashton. Every since they showed up we kinda hit it off as friends. And Ashton has all but confessed his undying love for my girl Lilly all he needs now is a little push.

"Hey! I have an idea." Ashton and Calum looked up as I snapped my fingers.

"What's that?" Michael asked strumming a few notes on his guitar

"Yall come with me! It'll be perfect! Lots of food, her little sister is dying to meet y'all. And we can finally get Ashton to do something about his little crush." I smiled saying that last bit as Ashton furiously blushed.

"It's not little. This is very serious. I can't just walk up to her and look her in the eyes and say 'I'm in love with you!' I'd melt before I got the first word out." Ash said tapping out a little beat on the table. "This has to be dealt with carefully and with no small amount of charm."

"I've given you everything you need to win her over. All you have to do is grow some balls and tell her."

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