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OK Lilly keep it togetherThey're people just like you. You can do this. And absolutely NO fangirling! I kept telling myself this as I prepared myself to address them and my crew for the night. After I gathered all the confidence I could I exited the office.

"Alright guys listen up! As most of you already know we're going to be a part of a TV show featuring the members of 5 Seconds Of Summer. Now this means that we need to act normally. I'm sure that after a while we won't even notice the cameras and we'll get to know them and it'll all be just a normal day at work. Anyone have any questions?"

Cheyenne piped up. "Yeah you gonna fangirl now or wait till no one's looking?"

I'm not sure how many shades of red I turned. Then Ashton spoke up. "Oh now things just got interesting. You're a bit older than our normal teenage girls but its always a pleasure to meet a fan!" Everyone laughed. Of course Chy had to rat me out. All I could do was chuckle and smile as well. "Well now that that's out welcome to Vilonia, Arkansas guys hope you enjoy our podunk little piece of hell."

"It can't be that bad!" Luke laughed as he spoke.

"We'll let you be the judge of that. Alright Cheyenne, Aiden, Nate, and Josiah you guys hang back with me for a few minutes. Everyone else get back to work!"

The others scattered as my crew leaders and Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael stayed behind with me and the producer to discuss what they would be doing. "Chy you can show Luke here around the front counter and dive thru areas. Josiah how about you take Calum and show him the table. Aiden take Michael and teach the boy how we cook. And Nate run the floor for me while I show Ashton around the lobby."

"But Lil you're you're the manger tonight." Nate protested.

"And you need to learn to run the floor alone. Don't worry I got your back. I won't be far and it won't take that long to show him how to do the lobby." I shot back at him. "You gotta do this before they turn ya lose anyway why not start now." Oh great my southern draw I was trying so hard to hide is starting to show. Well screw it now. "Alright let's go guys y'all know what to do." Each of the guys had a camera on them along with me I guess they wanted to see my reaction to what they were doing which was crazy at times.

It was about half way through the night and we hadn't had any major crises. A few drinks hit the ground in the drive thru window. A few burgers flew off the counter. And then this happened...

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