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Things were going well. I was showing Luke how to fill the ice cream machine. Since I'm like the shortest person ever, (I'm exaggerating) I had him fill it for me because I can barely reach it.

Yeah, that turned out to be a bad idea. As he was pouring the bag of mix into the machine he lost his grip on the bag. He tried to catch it which only made it worse. Had he just let the dammed thing fall we'd just have to clean the floor, but instead it landed on my head... Yeah that's right, on my friggin head! Of all the places for a bag of sticky white liquid to land it had to be my head.

Poor Luke all he could do was stand there with his mouth hanging open trying not to laugh as an inhuman squeal escaped my mouth. "It's sooo cold." I squeaked as the camera man got closer to my face. Also I had to admit, it was a funny looking face. (I would know, I saw the video later that night.) I couldn't help it, I had to laugh. It wasn't the first time someone had spilled something on me at work but this was the first time I was covered head to toe in it.

"Lilly I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean to.." Luke tried to say between fits of laughter.

"It's fine. I'm alright." I laughed. "I wonder if the milk will do anything for my hair?"  I asked as I flipped my pony tail at Luke slinging the mix on him as well.

Ashton and Michael  ron over to us just in time to see him jump back. The entire store was laughing by this time even the customers. "Cheyenne. Take your break. And would you please go get me some clean clothes from my place?"

"Yeah. I suppose I can't just let you suffer." She said as she took my keys from me and headed out.

"Get this cleaned up please." I said walking back to the dish sink the try and wash out my hair. I ended up making a bigger mess out of my hair than before. Cheyenne came back a bit later with a change of clothes. "Thank you so much." I sad taking the clothes into the bath room and changing quickly before returning to work.

Luckily that was the most eventful thing to happen that night.

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