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Lilly POV...

I shook my head at Luke. He was such a nut at times. I smiled and looked to Ashton as the the other three trouble makers wondered off. I saw Luke head towards Danielle I'll give him one thing he doesn't waste any time.

"Couldn't stay away huh?"

"I told you wouldn't. I'm a very persistent person." He said smiling his devilish little smile.

I giggled. Wait, I giggled? What the hell? What was this boy doing to me? "Keep trying. I'm not going to change my mind." I smirked watching Luke and Dani. Oh what am I saying? He looks at me and I get all tingly inside. Dammit I'm losing the war already and its just barely begun.

"I'll make you a deal." Ashton mused breaking my train of thought.

I thought for a moment before responding. "You do now! And just what might that be?" Sarcasm was evident in my voice. Really I was just egging him on. I really did want to hear this. It ought to be good.

"Here it is. I keep trying to get you to fall for me and of you do in the next few months you and Danielle come back home with us."

"And if I don't Dani and I get to give you and Luke make overs. You will have no say in what we do to you."

Ashton placed his finger on his chin acting like he was thinking hard about it. "Darling, you have yourself a deal. Shall we kiss on it?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and leaned towards me puckered lips and all. I laughed and gently pushed his face away.

"How about we shake on it?" I extended my hand to  him which he took and that was that. He ran off to bug Luke and Dani.

Wait. What did I just agree to?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★

Luke POV...

Have you ever met some one and knew instantly that they would somehow be important to you in a way that no one else could ever explain? I never had until I laid my eyes on Dani. She was beautiful in an awkward way.

"Just go talk to her." Michael urged as I tried to gather the courage to go and say something to her.

"Come on Luke! Grow a pair." Calum teased.

"Alright. Alright." I mumbled as I made my way over to her. I put on my best smile. "Hey Dani. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday."

She mumbled a small thank you as she tugged at the bottom of her shirt. It had our band logo on it I couldn't help but smile. She was just too damn cute. Dammit Luke get your shit to together. Luckily for me Lilly came over to help... I hoped. She pointed at Dani's shirt and nudged my arm.

"I heard that band sucks." She chuckled and I could help but smile. Much like a dork might I add.

"THEH DO NOT SUCK!" Dani yelled louder than she even expected. A few bystanders looked in our direction.

"Prove it then." I teased. "Meet me tomorrow at the diner down the road at noon." Dani froze stumbling over any words that managed to escape from her mouth.

"She'll be there." Lilly said quickly before she could refuse. "Count on it!"

"It's a date." I said before walking back the the guys more confident than ever. We made our way to the back of the yard and got everyones attention.

"We have a surprise for the birthday girl." Michael yelled as we grabbed our guitars and Ashton fond a suitable replacement for a drum.

"Dani, this is for you!" I strummed the first few chords of Voodoo doll and was joined by the others. As I began to sing.

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