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Lilly POV...

I stood there thoroughly confused. Ashton however didn't seem phased at all. Leave it to him to crash my little sister's date.

"Hey, Lulu! How's it going?"  Ashton smiled and I laughed at the new nickname.

"Lulu? What are we in kindergarten again?"

"It's cute and together we're known as Lashton. Yeah the boys and I came up with that."

Danielle laughed. "Awe! How cute!"

"Shut it Elle. I'm not entirely sure you didn't have anything to do with this." I said sitting in a booth trying to hide my redding face. Ashton sat across from me as Danielle and Luke found their own table. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Ashton faked a gasp. "Lulu, I don't know what you're talking about." He acted innocent.

"I'm not going down with out a fight. I hope you know that." I looked over the menu.

"So you're gonna go down on me that's wonderful. When might this be happening. I need to prepare..."

Blushing a deep shade of red I looked away. "That's not what I meant!"

"You're cute when ya blush like that."

"Stop. We're not doing this."

"What? A normal conversation between two people."

"No. The whole I wanna fuck your brains out so I'm gonna tell you how cute you are. That we're not doing that." Open mouth insert foot.

"So you do want me! I knew it!"

"Ash no! I-I mean uh dammit!"

"Look at you all flustered." He was amused at the fact that I couldn't put together a proper sentence.

"Oh I'm not flustered. This could all be an act to lead you down a heart breaking path that leaves you lonely and destitute." I smirked knowing that I was lying out of my ass right at that moment. Leave it to me to be completely unconvincing at that moment.

"No. See here's what I see." He leaned in to my ear so that when he would talk his lips barely brushed my skin. "I see a woman afraid that she might actually like the man sitting before her. I'm not sure why she would be scared but I'd like to find out and possibly be a part of fixing that fear."

Everything in me wanted to grab him and kiss him with everything I had. But he was right. I was afraid, I was afraid that I would get hurt again like I had so many times before. For example my most recent ex Shane he did things to me that should never be done to any one person. He cheated and he wasn't a good guy in general. I have a few physical scars to prove along with the emotional ones. After that I built a wall and I didn't let anyone in again. But this adorable man sitting in front of me was slowly chipping away the bricks.

I smiled leaning back a bit. "You just might be." I looked around and saw Danielle and Luke talking and laughing. They looked like they were having a good time. "Let's get outta here. "

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