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The picture is of Lilly's tattoo. Just a FYI! Hopefully y'all are enjoying this as much as I am!


Fast forward a couple of months. Here we are, I've gotten used to the cameras at work. Its like they aren't even there anymore. This particular day we had to shut down the entire store. The boys wanted to make a video of the entire crew singing and dancing. Somehow my sister convinced me to let her work there as well. Her relationship with Luke really hadn't progressed much past the diner. I really wanted to shove them both in a closet and make them kiss it out. But I couldn't do that; not yet anyway.

I stepped out of my car after I parked in the familiar parking lot. Reaching back in for my jacket and my bag. I had forgotten the shirt i was wearing rode up in the back when I bent over and exposed a pert of my tattoo. 

"Now that's an interesting tattoo."

I heard that familiar Aussie accent behind me. Turning to face him as I quickly pulled my shirt down to cover it. Not many knew I even had a tattoo or even where it was. I shook my head as I rolled my eyes.

"I never thought you'd have a tramp stamp Lulu." He acted shocked at the fact.

"I have more than one actually. I went a little ink happy a few years back."

"Really!" He smirked raising an eyebrow. "Sharing is caring ya know?"

I leaned into his ear and smiled as I whispered "Not in public." I leaned back and winked as I walked past him heading into the store. He stood there shocked as I turned to look out of the window once I was inside. Cheyenne came up behind me.

"What did you do to the poor guy?" She asked as we watched him run his fingers through his curly mess.

"The power of suggestion works wonders." I laughed as we were both handed clean uniform shirts.

The producers had his crew cover all the windows the night before so random people on the street couldn't see what we were doing. We were going to be dancing to Mrs. All American while the guys followed us and sang. My parents weren't going to like this. Once everyone was dressed and ready we waited for our instructions.

"OK here's his this is gonna work. Cheyenne, Danielle, Lilly ,and Mara. You four are going to be assigned one of the boys to "run" from and the rest of you are going to dance and push them together."

"Wait.... What? Run from who?"

"Don't worry Lulu. I won't bite... Hard."

Ashton. Of course he would choose me.

"Oh, but I will." Shit. Why do I do this to myself? I heard a chorus of ohs and laughter.

"Promises, promises. seems like you might be losing this little bet we have going." He beamed.

"In your dreams big boy. I will never give in to your manly charms."

"Now I'm manly and charming? I can work with this."

Shit... I did it again. maybe I should just permanently leave my foot in my mouth. Seems like it would be a lot less work for me. At any rate I knew I didn't have any good comebacks for that so I just kept my mouth shut. Ashton just smirked, he seemed to know I was lying out of my ass anyway.

"OK guys places!" The Director called out. I was told to stand on a table. They had me dressed in a pair of shorts that threatened to expose my most intimate areas. They let me keep my vans. I was thankful for that. They way they cut my shirt you could see all of my tattoos.  Along with my back piece I had one on my stomach on the right side of my belly button. It was little pink and red hearts all tied together with a black ribbon. All together it was just a little bigger than my hand. Then there was the one on my right shoulder blade. It was the anti-possession symbol from that show Supernatural. Why you ask cause I FREAKING LOVE THAT SHOW!

I could feel Ash's eyes roam my exposed skin as I stood there waiting for further instruction.

"Issues Ash?" I mused watching him snap out of his trance.

"Umm no," he cleared his throat while shaking his head. "Not at all. Just enjoying the view."

I'd be lying if I didn't say that made a heat rise in me. I was so close to losing this bet we had going. I couldn't take it anymore all this tension. Both sexual and social, it was time to throw in the towel. I had a plan and this was the perfect time to do so.

After hours of running around the store from Ashton and Luke, Elle and I had a break, we sat down drinking some water. "So, you and Luke... What's going on there?"

"I dunno. Its hard being me I can't think of how to tell him how I feel."

I smirked as my eyes darts between her and Luke. "I got this! Hey Luke! Come here."

Luke smiled and trotted over. "Hey Lil! Dani." He smiled sweetly at her.

I grabbed his shirt pulling his ear to my mouth whispering something in his ear. "Got it?" I asked taking a another sip of my water.

He nodded sitting down next to Dani who quickly got up and started to walk away.

"Oh no ya don't!" I got up stopping her pushing her back into Luke's lap. He quickly kissed her. Danielle was shocked at first her face burned red. She quickly comprehended what was going on and wrapped her arms around his neck. Everyone cheered them on as the broke apart laughing.

Now it was my turn. Just do it! I told myself as I walked over to Ashton. He was behind everyone. I took his hand dragging him out of sight, pulling him to me. "I give." Was all I got out before our lips crashed together.

By the time we broke apart there were camera flashes and hoots and hollars as we panted together.

"We're going to Australia!" I heard Danielle yell out. I chuckled steadying myself as I stood there my head fuzzy from the kiss.

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