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It all happened so fast. Tyler then Ashton then everyone. My head was spinning. I heart was beating ninety to nothing. Why was this happen? Every time I have something good going, something has to happen. This was the last thing I ever saw coming.

I should have moved.

I should have ran.

I should have done something.


A week had passed and I hadn't said anything to Ashton. He would just look at me with hurt in his eyes every time I saw him. Which was everyday. Luke and Danielle tried everything to get us to talk. Nothing. Nothing ever happened. And he showed up. Tyler.

"There she is!" He smirked at me. "Looking lovely as ever."

"Leave me alone." I rolled my eyes walking away from him.

There was a weird squishy noise. I turned around to see Tyler covered in what appeared to be Ketchup. I covered my mouth as I stifled a laugh.

"What the hell is this shit? This is no way to run a restaurant!" He boomed.

I backed away. To say the least I was afraid of him. And I was right to be. He hopped the counter and I moved to protect whoever had thrown the ketchup, which it just so happened to be Ashton. Tyler grabbed me slamming me face first into a nearby wall as he advanced on Ashton. I got up from the floor holding my nose.

"No!" I yelled stepping between them.

"Lilly get out of my way!" Tyler growled as he reached to move me out of the way.

"No." I said as I pushed his hand away. "You leave him alone!" As I spoke I grabbed him by his neck slamming his head into the metal table. He fell to the ground, he wasn't moving anytime soon. Ashton looked at me.

"Well now that was..."

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