Twenty- Three...

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We only had a couple of weeks before Ashton had to go back on tour. We hit all the major tourist spots in the first week. It was amazing, Luke and Dani were getting closer by the day. Ashton and I were alright. It was laid back and easy with him. That's something I was going to miss once Danielle and I headed home.

This particular day we were down on the beach, basking in the warm sunlight. "I love it here." I looked around the sparsely populated beach. "Its quiet, beautiful." Ashton chuckled watching me as I laid back on the blanket.

"You don't have to go. You could stay here... With me."

"You won't be here after next Monday. Besides my parents and my family. I can't just leave them."

"You could go back anytime you wanted. Open your restaurant here." He opened his arms wide motioning to the area around us.

I laughed pulling his arms down. "I can't stay. I have to go home. Besides you'll be so busy banding you won't even know I'm gone."

"Maybe you're right. You usually are." He conceded kissing my cheek, making me giggle. "Come on, I need to go pack."

"I'm serous about you staying though." He said pulling me up to my feet.

"I know. I just can't."

"I know..."

A few hours later I was all packed and ready to go. This was going to be harder than I thought. Dan had decided to stay. Liz was going to look after her as long as she wanted to be there. It was bittersweet. I had to go be the adult I needed myself to be. I had plans, I had the life that I had always wanted waiting to happen. I was certain that was what I wanted. Ashton however, just thought I was running from us. If I was being honest with myself, which I rarely was, that's exactly what I was doing.

The next morning was a bit somber. I was going home, leaving my baby sister, and Ashton.

"Anytime you want to come back, you call me." Anne hugged me tightly. "I'll get ya here."

I smiled as she held me. "You got it. And I expect to see you and Liz when I open that restaurant."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world dearie." Liz gave me a pat on the back assuring me that they would be there.

Michael and Calum were next. "You have to talk to us everyday." Michael whined. "We won't take no for an answer."

I hugged them both. "Every moment I can spare. Promise."

"Good, we'll be seeing you real soon." Calum smiled.

Ashton hung back as Luke and Dani said their goodbyes. I hugged my sister tightly. "You call me, text me, send smoke signals if ya have to. Just keep me informed. I love you Dani." We locked our pinkies together as we each wiped our eyes with our free hands. "Love you too Lulu. Pinky promise."

Luke gave me a quick hug promising that he would make sure she was well taken care of.

That left Ashton. Every one gave us some space. "So, this is it for a while." I spoke first, he only nodded keeping his hands in his jacket pockets. Suddenly he grabbed me kissing me deeper than he ever had before. "Just for a little while." We hadn't notice the crowd that formed around us until the broke out cheering us on. Laughing as we heard the last call for boarding my flight. Ashton snapped one last picture as I walked away.


It's been years since that day. Three to be exact. Today's the day I finally open my restaurant.

Lilly sat in front of a camera as she spoke. Her hair was neatly curled and she was wearing a black dress with silver sparkles around the neckline.

You're probably wondering what happened between Ashton and I. Everything worked for a while. We talked, texted, facebooked, and twittered everyday. Then we would go days without talking. Then weeks and months. Sadly long distance relationships almost never work. We grew apart, slowly. The decision was to end it was a mutual one. I tried to date after him nothing ever really worked out. I guess he really was my once in a lifetime. Lilly smiled a little nostalgic. Ash and I are still great friends. He's here tonight along with the other three hoodlums. Luke and Dani got married last fall. They flew my whole family over to Sidney for the wedding. It was beautiful. I'd never seen two people so in love. They're expecting their first child in a few months. It's a boy! She giggled a little. Everyone is excited about that.

There was a knock at the door and Luke's brother Jack poked his head in. It's almost time, everyone is waiting fro ya.

The camera was turned off and Lilly made her way ou to the main dining area where her staff, family and friends were all waiting. "Guys, y'all ready for this?" She squeaked trying to refrain from squealing like a teenage girl.

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