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Lilly POV..

Today was the day of the thing at my parents house. It wasn't so much a thing as a Birthday party for my little sister Danielle. She and I are as close as sisters can get. So she knew all about what happened with Ashton the night before. She thought I should just rock his world seven ways from Sunday. I wasn't exactly opposed to the idea but I couldn't. I didn't want any more spot light than I already had. And being with him it wouldn't ever stop.

I spent the night with Danielle after Ashton left my house. We stayed up entirely way to late giggling and doing girlie stuff. We spent the morning getting dressed and doing hair and make up. We looked awesome if I did say so myself. We wore matching skinny jeans and she wore a  5SOS shirt.  And I had on my Josh Groban shirt. After we were satisfied with our looks we found our mother in the kitchen.

" Smells amazing in here mom!" Danielle said taking a cookie from one of the trays and taking a bite.

"Don't eat them all girls you have guest that will be arriving shortly." Mom warned as she grazed the selection laid out on the counter.

"We're hungry. You're not going to let your only daughters die from starvation are you?" I asked overly dramatic which caused them both to bust out laughing.

"You're not going to starve. Go bug your brother I'm sure he'd enjoy that." Mom said as we left the kitchen and went looking for Jaxon as she suggested.

We found him just as he finished loading some new tracks to the karaoke app on the Xbox. All of which Danielle wanted so did I but I wasn't going to tell them that. "Here its all ready to go." Jaxon handed us the mics sat on one of the chairs as we picked a song.

As the song started of course we danced like crazy people belting out the lines as our family and Danielle's friends started to arrive. Some stopped and watched us amused and others just smiled and walked past. We didn't care we were just having fun. It was like a game for us something we'd done since we were kids. We would yell the lines at each other and who ever else happened to be around.

I turned to yell out the next line and who would I see but Ashton freaking Irwin. Oh shit! Now I have to explain this shit. Dammit!

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