He chuckled. “Don’t worry about Meredith; you know how she can be. Just worry about you and him.”

                “So you think I should be with him too?”

                “Well you feel a weird pull towards him?” I nodded in response. “Maybe its fate pushing you in the right direction,” he said shrugging. I stared at him for a moment as I watched him sit behind his desk. “I know I’m hot, but I think you have work to do,” he said with laughter in his eyes.

                I laughed, “Sure hot stuff. See you later.” I walked out of the office and checked to see if any other of my tables were sat. And sure enough, one of them was occupied by a young beautiful blond woman. I started walking over to the table as Meredith reached it before I could, she must not have noticed that I came out of the office already.

                I kept walking towards them and the closer I got the more I noticed that they seemed to know each other. “What are you doing here?” I heard Meredith ask the blond franticly.

                “To eat, of course,” the blond responded smoothly.

                “That’s a good reason to come here,” I said interrupting their conversation. “I’m Tory; I’ll be your waitress today. Are you ready to order?”

                They both turned to look at me. Meredith looked shocked and about to panic, while her friend had one hell of a poker face. She looked me over once, and then repeated the process only to laugh. “Is this what he wants?” she asked Meredith and pointed in my direction.

                “Yes,” Meredith said through gritted teeth.

                “Has your brother gone mad? Why would he want her when he has me? And has had me for so many years? Like last night,” she said as she stared to the side as if remembering, “that was fun.”

                “Anya! That’s enough,” Meredith exclaimed.

                I stood there shocked, but the more I heard the more I felt a territorial need to defend myself and to somehow protect Vincent’s honor. These feelings make no sense! But I still went with them; she was not going to get the last word. “To answer all your questions, he just got tired of trash like you and felt the need for an improvement,” I said and was rewarded with her mouth dropping open. “And,” I continued, “If you only came here to knock me down, I wish you luck. Meredith is here for anything else you may need. Have a nice day Blondie.” I turned around and walked right into Tom’s office.

                “What happened?” he asked once he saw my face.

                “Some blond just came in here trying to show some claim over Vincent,” I said letting my frustration out.              

                “Anya?” he asked.

                “Who cares what her names was!” I exclaimed.

                “Well for someone who’s afraid of a relationship with the guy, you sure seem angry,” he said slowly.

                “Now is not the time for that,” I said through clenched teeth.

                He sighed. “Yes, he’s been with her, but that’s in the past. Hasn’t happened in a while, as far as I’m concerned.”

                “As far as you’re concerned?” I felt my voice escalate, “she said they fucked last night,” I screamed.

                “Well that’s up to you to believe or not.”

                “I barely know the guy! We went on one date and he’s already fucking someone else!”

                “You need to talk to him,” he said simply.

                “He has some explaining to do.”

                “Go get some air,” he said. I didn’t need to be told twice. I walked out of that office as fast as my feet could carry me. Luckily for Blondie, she had already disappeared by the time I came out again. I walked right outside and sat on the sidewalk.

                I felt someone behind me, but didn’t bother turning around knowing that it was Meredith. She sat next to me and we stayed there in silence, lost in our own thoughts.

                After a few minutes she said, “She’s lying you know.”

                “I want to hear that from his mouth,” I replied.

                She nodded. “Want to go bowling on our next day off?”

                “Uh… sure.”

                “Great! It’s a double date.” She got up and went back into the diner before I got a chance to reply.

                Wait. What? Double date? This girl will be the death of me, I swear.

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