Rainbow frowned. She typed down for a few minutes. She handed her phone to the blonde. It read:

I'm so sorry about your parents. Mine died when I was 3 so I didn't know them. I grew up an only child in an orphanage in Cloudsdale. I'm 16 and in 10th grade".

Applejack's eyes widened. Wow. Kinda deep. She looked up at the girl who was twiddling with her long sleeves.

"Ah'm sorry about that. You don't deserve all that. Ah can tell already so don't ask how ah know".

Rainbow gave a small shrug and a smile. She looked out the glass window pane. Applejack looked at the time. It was getting late.

"Hey uh".

Rainbow Dash looked at her.

"You wanna come over to mah place??", she asked. "So we can hang out an watch a movie".

Rainbow smile and mouthed "really??".

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Really"

The girls got up and walked out of the shop. The two walked out into the cold freezing air. Rainbow rubbed her arms. She followed Applejack down the street. Applejack remembered something. She hasn't drinker her hot chocolate yet. It was warm enough to drink now. She looked over at Rainbow Dash who was beside her.

"You want it??", she asked holding the cup out. Rainbow looked at her then at the cup. She shyly nodded. Applejack gave her the cup. The teen drank it as they walked. Applejack swore, Rainbow acted as if it was the best thing on earth. It probably was that good. She was so cute while she drank the chocolate.

They finally reached Applejack's small house. They went in. Rainbow looked around. It was warm and cozy inside for the winter. There was red and green everywhere. She smiled looking at her blonde friend. Applejack returned the gesture.

"Let's go to the living room", she said.

The girls walked into a living room. It had a flat screen tv and a fireplace and carpet floors. They both settled down on the couch and got comfortable. Applejack let her make the popcorn. Applejack thought it was adorable when Rainbow watched the popcorn pop with excitement. That girl was too cute. Soon they were popcorn and soda ready. They popped in a comedy movie. The two sat down. Rainbow pulled her sleeves down to try to stay warm. Suddenly a blanket was dropped on her shoulders. Rainbow turned and saw Applejack sitting beside her. She blushed a light pink and looked away.

Applejack totally noticed. The blonde smiled at her and looked at the screen as the movie started.

As the movie went on Applejack would look at Rainbow. The girl's smile would falter more and more. She looked like she was in deep thinking and not even watching the movie. At one point Applejack paused the movie and looked at Rainbow.

"What's wrong??. You seem a bit out of it".

Rainbow blushed at being caught. She rubbed her hands and sighed. Taking her phone out she typed something. She handed it to Applejack. It read:

Sorry. I guess I just think that there's no reason for you to pretend to like me or have a crush on me when you. I wouldn't either. I mean, I'm nothing special. I can't even talk so I'm basically useless. I don't see what you like about me.

There was more but Applejack stopped at that sentence. She looked up at Rainbow Dash.

"No. You can't say that about yourself. You are not useless".

Putting the phone down, Applejack reached out a took Rainbow's hand. She looked the girl dead in the eyes.

"Rainbow. You are amazing. Ah may not have known your name until today but ah know enough about chu from school. You're beautiful and talented and smart and very competitive. You're the best soccer player in school. That's amazing. Give yourself some credit why don't cha. Ah like you because of you. Not anything at do with you being mute. That doesn't bother me in any way. Ah've liked you since 4th grade. So that's sayin somethin. You're adorable Rainbow. You really are. So don't bring yourself down".

Rainbow smiled. She hugged Applejack who returned the favor. The two girls pulled away and looked at eachother. Applejack smiled. Rainbow grabbed her phone and typed. Applejack looked at the screen.

I like you too. For a long time.

The blonde looked to see a blushing Rainbow Dash. She smiled.

"So uh. You wanna go on a date some time??", Applejack asked.

Rainbow nodded smiling widely. She hugged Applejack. The blonde teen chuckled, hugging back. This girl was so cute. She held the girl and had her laid on her, snuggling up to Applejack. They continued the movie. The girls both silently came to the same conclusion. They were already on a date. They looked at eachother. Nothing needed to be said. Applejack knew that having a mute girlfriend would have some challenges in the future but that could wait till then. For now she would just enjoy this moment and make Rainbow feel loved the best way she knew how. By not saying a word. Like they always say, a picture is worth a thousand words. But in this case, a gesture is worth a thousand words. Even if the gesture is mute.


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