Ch. 39 - Suspended?

Start from the beginning

Tapping Dan's shoulder to get his attention, you lead him to the stage and stand atop of it behind your podium.
As he reaches to your side, Luna does the same to the other podium.

Sydney nods, letting you know to begin.


"Sometimes, living with seven men isn't easy." Kalel complained, fixing her black wig atop her head.

"Please, you're complaining? Did your father destroy all of your gadgets and gizmos?"

"I didn't have a dad, for your information." She smirked. "And it's not like I disobeyed anyone. You're the one to give up your voice for a man you haven't even spoken to yet!"

"I haven't spoken to him because I don't have a voice- excuse you, madam!" You shouted.

"Wow, okay," Sydney stopped you both. "For when you guys do your scene, just do this! Keep talking about the character and their life until you are stopped for the next part. Winging it is usually the best."

"Unless you are totally dumbfounded over what you're going to say then it maybe best to stick to script." Kalel added, staring at you.

"I don't know who you're looking at, but honey, you need to find better comebacks." You reply as Dan walks up, quickly behind you and takes your shoulder.

"Hey, yeah, hello." He interrupts you. "Uh, so, the bell is going to ring soon and I want to make sure your face isn't red when we walk out those doors; alright, sweet?"

"Sweet?" Kalel repeated.

"Yes. Sweet. The thing that you aren't. He ain't talking to you, boo."

Daniel laughs aloud as he slaps his knee. "Ooh, Y/N. Shots fired!" He exclaimed. "Now come on, I wanna talk to you before we leave."

Turning back to Kalel, you give a smile and walk with Daniel down the stage.
Picking up your backpack, he starts a conversation.

"So I recently found out that my aunts' wedding is next week on a Saturday in London and I was hoping you'd be free?"

"Oh, you were serious?" You question.

"Yes- why would I make that up?" He chuckles. "Anyways, I'd like for you to come, it's a big thing and there's going to be an after math and we can get a hotel..." Daniel massages his knuckles as he explains the date.

"I have to wear a dress?"

"I rather you do so, yes." He answered, giving a warm smile. "The black one you wore for that dance is okay. You looked beautiful in it."

"Her, beautiful in a dress?" Kalel bumped into the conversation. "Wow,"

"Hey, Kalel, mind your own business." Dan commanded, throwing his arms out in front of him. "No one said your name, no one called for you, and no one wants you!"

As the bell rings, Daniel grabs your arm gently to pull you in for a kiss atop of the head.

"I'll see you then?" He whispered.

"Yes, sir." You smiled as you watched him walk off.

"Don't think this is over. He's going to hurt you." Kalel assumed.

Though, she didn't assume it. Though she isn't right either. It's happened to many girls but you're the longest relationship he's had.

Knowing the person and dating them.

"No one is talking to you, bitch." You turned to her, finally fed up. "I'm tired of your thirsty-ass trying to get up in my shit! Daniel doesn't like it and neither do I!" You shouted, forgetting there were still adults/teachers and other people in the room. "I'm irritated, he's irritated, the whole school is irritated!"

"Okay, Y/N, I think we get it." Sydney's facial scrunched together, her anger showing. "For showing your attitude in an inappropriate way, I can't do anything else but to punish you from your lack of behavior, miss." She says, looking straight at you.

"Ma'm, I am sorry, I just couldn't help-"

"It's bad enough you swore in front of me once and I did nothing about it, this is your punishment."


"Suspended?" You shout, plopping onto your bed. "How did this happen? And so quickly?"

Dan and Phil were sitting with you in your room, contemplating your sudden burst to swear without realizing your surroundings.

"It's only for the rest of the week, not that bad." Phil shrugged.

"Yeah, plus, your teachers don't give you much homework." Dan shrugged.

"Yeah, but the play. Who's replacing me, do you know?" You question as you slide off your relax seat and onto the floor.

"Miss Sydney sent me a letter; you know, to my class, and it was about time and stuff," Your boyfriend started, "On my note, specifically, it was written 'Please notify Y/N that she may come early to school to help with the set ups. Bethany Mota will take her spot.'"

"How'd she know you would see her?" Philip asked, laying his head on your knee; considering that you all were sitting on the bedroom floor, crisscrossed.

"In our student files, it has our address so it'll be obvious that we see each other, living so close to one another." Daniel explains as Philip nods.

"You probably hate me for getting in trouble now, huh?" You question, starting to pet/play with Phil's hair upon your lap.

"Not at all. In fact, it makes you seem hotter, don't you think, Philly?" Dan joked.

Phil the covers his ears as he yells ahlalallala to try to block out the noise.

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