A New Kind of Magic: Chapter Fifty

Start from the beginning

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Outside Tonya realized where she was. Her Aunt Helene had set up a trailer in the woods behind the fire-damaged Herbal Healing Shoppe. She walked the perimeter of the chain link fence enclosing the building. Attached to the gate she read a sign: "Closed for construction. Consultations by appointment only."

She decided to walk back to campus. It would give her a chance to think. Out of habit she headed for the shortcut through the woods but the sight of trees reduced to charcoal made the pit of her stomach drop. Maybe she did deserve to be tried for arson.

She backtracked and took the Highway route. It would take longer, but it felt good to walk listening to the crunch of gravel under her feet. Tonya had never seen her parents so angry. Selling the house was wrong but Aunt Helene did it to protect them. Waldock could have made them do anything. Why weren't they grateful? There was too much about Loon Lake magic and its factions that the family had kept from her.

A rumbling engine slowed and pulled up behind her. Tonya recognized Priya's rustmobile and got in.

"Your Aunt texted me. How do you feel?" she asked.

"Okay." The short walk made Tonya's legs ache as if it had been miles, but she would never admit it.

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On the drive back, Tonya asked: "Have they closed the campus? Are there still roadblocks?"

"Everything's back the way it was. Students are worried about normal things, like dating and doing essays. They have blackouts in their memories but nobody's sure why."

"You remember."

"Thanks to your Aunt."

"What about the prisoners Ducky saw? The police had to report that."

"Nope." Priya kept her eyes on the road. "Everything's back to normal."

"After the grocery store riots? Somebody must have recorded them on a security camera or a phone."

"I think your Aunt did something about it. The locals are acting like nothing happened, and the students don't remember much. You can stop worrying."

As they pulled into campus, Tonya asked Priya to drop her off at the residence. "Thanks for the lift."

Waiting for the elevator, she caught a whiff of ripe socks, men's cologne, and textbooks. She was home.

At the sound of her key in the lock, the door flew open. It was Lynette dressed for clubbing.

"Finally!" Her roommate threw her arms around Tonya and gave her a warm squeeze. "I've been so worried."

"Likewise," said Tonya. "How long have you been up and around?"

"All day." Lynette didn't remember being unconscious for days, and when Tonya mentioned the hospital she looked at her quizzically.

"How's Roberto?"

"I don't know. He went back to Peru but he's fine, I guess. You're the one who's sick. Shouldn't you lie down?"

It took a while for Tonya to convince her roommate she felt fine, but as soon as she did Lynette went out. What a relief! The argument with her parents and the walk had really taken it out of her. She lay down on top of her bed and closed her eyes for a moment.

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When Tonya awoke it was dark outside.

Lynette sat on her bed using her smart phone. "You're awake. I have a surprise for you but you should change first."

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