Ducky Hunting: Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ducky searched the campus for any sign of Tonya or Priya. Since fleeing the cafeteria, the whole student body made him wary. None of the Ninjas were responding to texts or calls, not even Zane whom Ducky had left recording cafeteria carnage less than an hour ago.

He had convinced himself to brave the drooling horde and retrieve his friend when an OPP cruiser pulled onto the grass in the courtyard, almost directly in Ducky's path. There were huge speakers mounted on the trailer it was towing. Fire trucks drove up next, parking on the drive that encircled the campus. Next, police vans pulled into the residence parking lot, disgorging police in riot gear.

They moved with angry grace, wielding shields, batons, helmets... What did they think was going to happen here? It was spooky. All those trained professionals rushing to encircle the campus, but making almost no sound, if you didn't count the static and chatter of their walkie-talkies.

Without warning, the firemen got out their hoses and advanced in a line, edging toward the cafeteria doors. Zane! Ducky had to get him out before he got arrested, or worse. What if water ruined his camera!

As he tried to beat the firefighter to the cafeteria, Ducky heard a shrill whining above him. In the sky above him, darting, hovering, and changing direction like caffeinated dragonflies, flew some drones. Remote control surveillance. What footage! If I survive this, he promised himself, I'm gonna buy one of those.

As he neared the doors, Ducky strained to see Zane through the tinted glass. He glanced behind him. With the firefighters right behind, he had only moments to get his friend out before the water hoses went in, but the closer he got, the more crowded the lawn was with shambling students, congregating toward the food. Some muttered "pancakes" or "bacon" under their breath as they moved. At least they were harmless, too caught up in their thoughts of food to notice him.

Losing his apprehension, Ducky pushed through them quicker but an accidental shove caused one to turn around and pay attention. Next, a couple grabbed at his clothes while a third started going through his pockets with chilly fingers.

"Food! Give it! Food! " They didn't give up even when he turned out his pockets to demonstrate their emptiness. Breaking free of their grip, Ducky ran, dodging quickly this time, but careful not to touch them and attract their hungry attention.

Behind him, a roar of "Food!" went up as the entire campus erupted into a riot. Ducky didn't dare slow down. He had to get Zane out. Riding a wave of students rushing the cafeteria, he was carried to the door. By their dead eyes and the drool coming from their mouths, there was no doubt about it. They were all infected, and they were taking him with them.

Just a flash of sunlight, reflected off a camera lens. It was Zane, on the far side of the lawn, well outside the ring of police and their riot shields. They were backing the students into the cafeteria, bit-by-bit, and Ducky with them.

"Zane!" He waved and shouted with enough force to hurt his throat, but Zane didn't notice. As Ducky reached for his cell to try his friend one more time, an impossibly loud sound almost flattened the crowd. He found himself flinching, ears covered. What a horrible, horrible noise. And then he remembered the speakers and looked for the source. A uniformed officer stood on the back of the truck, wearing orange ear protectors like he was on a firing range. The unbearable sound, Ducky could see by the way the cop gestured, was simply the cop tapping the mike, amplified by the enormous speakers.

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