The winners

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Just the final competition is left now.After it,they are going to announce the winner.The last competition will have three stages consisting of a self composed song,dance battle and rearranging the same song by our groups.But since it's the final event,we are given more time to prepare.

And we had to go for another photoshoot for the finals but it did not take much time.And our agency arranged a fan meeting for both teams.Not long after the show aired,we already had fanclubs.We watched as our fans increase and we liked checking the comments posted.But after Andy left,we stayed away for a while.There were some who misunderstanding about what happened so there were some negative comments.So we were a little surprised at the number of people gathered at the shopping mall complex for our fan meet.We had a great time.It was nice meeting our fans and they cheered us on too.

Later,Mr Fleming led us to the hallway where all the artists of our agency have a picture in.And there was already a glass case prepared for the winning team which will form Vcrest.Then,I realised how real it all is.All of us wanted our picture there.

This time,our choreography was assembled by Celan,me and Barry while the song was mostly prepared by Max but like before,we all created our parts.TeamB is also doing quite well.And like we used to have "the ABC"and recently"Celamy"and "Natmax",they have "Haven","Tacifer"and others.Our fans made it up and it's a little funny.

Before the finals,we are also having a barbecue party.It's nice to be back together again after so long.We talked,ate and had fun.Somehow,we ended up discussing about how nervous we are and all of us agreed that we honestly don't want a competition .It pushes us to work harder but it breaks too.As we talked,we found out they also had their share of problems.They were frequently scolded for lack of singing skills,some even said the team is Maven and Taylor only.

Spin had arguments with team members and Naul and Hope refused to talk to each other for a while.And people criticised them because of our CEO's comment on how Lucifer could be the next Eddy of Mega Beats.

We trained together so it feels bad that only one team gets to debut.But we agreed to have dinner together after the event,no matter who won.

In the morning,we had rehearsals on stage.We had to make sure we did not miss out on anything.We got ready backstage.Mr Fleming and our seniors came to cheer us and our senior girls kept going on about how cute we are. But even after we were done with dressing and make up,I still did not stop feeling nervous.This competition has taught me nervousness besides other things.We checked our mics,discussed our performance over again and waited for our turn as other singers performed the opening.

We got informed to be on stanby.We did a small cheer and went on.When we reached the stage I was ,the lights and the stage I adore forced the nervousness down.I always felt at home with on stage with people cheering and I'm finally feeling the same again.With the roaring crowd welcoming us as we introduced ourselves,we were confident.

"Our song is called'smile again',hope you enjoy it"I say as the lights dim.We try our best.We want to smile again after the hardships and heartbreaks.We poured our hearts in our song as our video plays.It feels so right as the crowd cheers.

Team B composed a song called"At the top".It is about wanting to be at the top to get away from tears they had below.It was similar to our theme.Looks like all of us were really tired.

We had a break while there was another performance very young Xcel trainees.They were actually good.

For the dance stage,each team mixed two songs.I enjoyed the performance.I finally understand dance .It's singing with moves in place of voice and I can express myself in a different way.

Dance is team B's strength and they lived up to expectations.After another break,we had our last competition.Each team had to rearrange"Just a boy".After all were performances were over,we could only wait.

Mega Beats performed after us.Then there was a slideshow about us.Pictures of us as kids,clips of our practice ,about us working,dancing,singing,talking,laughing,fighting,getting hurt...Andy.It made it harder to know that a single announcement is going to change it all.Win or lose,it's going to be bittersweet.

"You know,those screens are really big and that stage is large enough to hold all of us,can't we simply stand together always?"Celan asks.
We remain silent for a while.
"It'd be nice,right?"I say.

Before the results are announced,there is a speech by our CEO.He congratulated us.He said"Through the times I spent with you,I've come to know you better.You are all part of our Xcel family and I'm sad that only one team can win.But you've reached so far, so remember always,each of you are a winner".

Then the screens became filled with pictures of us together.The centre screen showed our seperate teams with titles.We all anxiously stand on stage and the crowd goes silent too.I looked around as saw Celan tightening his grip on his mic nervously.Max was frozen.I saw Taylor looking at me with an unsure smile.Win or lose,we did our best and I won't regret.

"The winner is..."the MC opened the envelope,"Mr Rerlon,isn't this a little mean?"Mr Rerlon attempted a grin but said nothing when the camera focused on him.Jason,who was sitting next to him, was going"Weren't we enough?Why make another bunch of kids go through it again?".Jason is in Mega Beats and they had a survival audition program.

The MC kept on rambling,torturing those who want to know the result.Then the MC said,"The winning team,who will get to debut as Xcel's new boy group,Vcrest is...Team A".Did I hear it right?

The screens change into a picture of our team with Vcrest logo instead of team A.Confetti and balloons showered as we stood speechless.

I was told to say something.
"I ...I don't know what to say.Thank you everyone,I can't thank you enough..."I stopped speaking.Celan started crying"I didn't think we'd win" he says.
"I can't believe it,mom I made it,we won.It'd been so nice to have Andy standing here with us though".

The others were completely broken.Even before the results were announced,Maven had started crying and is now sitting down,continuing to cry.The rest have started crying too.Trying to hold back tears,Taylor said"It's disappointing we didn't win.But I'm glad you won,you deserved it.Congrats,all of you".
He turned to his team"I'm sorry guys, you all did your best".No one spoke for a while, they were trying not to cry,then Maven said,wiping his tears"I..."he stops to wipe his tears again,"Even if I don't get to debut,I'm so glad Celan and Jeremy get to.Celly treated me like his little brother.So,I'm happy for him.Jeremy too".Celan started crying even more.

The MC says,"Taylor maintained his cool always but what is happening today?"He is in tears but trying to be brave.

They talked about how they don't have regrets and are happy to have reached upto here.But I could not listen to anything as I saw them crying.I didn't know what to do.

After we recovered a little,we met those who came to visit us.Everyone were busy talking to their families.Mum and Sylvi came along with aunty.And they brought all my friends.But there is still one missing and I looked around.I was trying to ask but my team dragged me away after some introductions.Today's for my Xcel friends so I went with them.

We had dinner together as promised.But we could hardly eat as we continued to cry.We did not talk much but I did not want it to end.If only we could be together like this always.

Team A won.Is Maven anyone's favoirite?

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