Without words

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I  could hardly sleep.I dozed a little now and  then but I woke up each time to find I did not sleep much.And it was because I  was really tired.I don't feel like waking up,I don't  even  want to move.But I go to the bathroom and washed up.

I dressed up and sat quietly for a long time,I don't know why.Then I decided to listen to music, it's  the ongly thing I can think of doing now.I scroll through the list of songs and selected one I have not listened to in a while.Maybe I should have selected another,the tears are back   again...

Shouldn't have done it
Should have ignored it
Like it  would not be seen
Like it could not be seen
I don't think I should have seen you
Should have run  away
Should     have   pretended not to hear
Like it   could  not  be   heard
I shouldn't have listened to your love
Without a word you  made me know love
Without a word  you   gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away
Without a word love  left me
Without a word love tossed me aside
Not knowing what to say
My lips must have been surprised
Because you came without a word...

Why  am I crying over this now?I    considered changing the song.But I'm listening to the same again.After about six replays,I thought of something.

I grabbed a pen and some paper and   wrote

One day while walking on a road,a girl found a sparkly thing  on the road.
She does not usually pick up things but it was so shiny .
She found  out it was a beautiful jewel.
She looked around in   search of  the owner but there was none
She carried it with  her and came on the same road the next day to search for the owner
She found none.
She tried again and again
Then one day  she found a guy searching for something
In his hand was a bracelet with a missing jewel
She knew the jewel belonged on the bracelet,it would  fit  perfectly
She felt happy
She walked to the guy to give him the jewel
But he was really far away
She ran but the guy seemed to get farther
She shouted but he didn't seem to hear
When she was about to give it back,the bracelet exchanged hands
It was meant for another
Now she did not want to give it back
She held the jewel tighter trying to hide it
But the jewel shined too bright
The other girl found the jewel
She thanked her and took the jewel away happily
While the girl could do nothing

Can Stacy make a song based on this?What am I thinking?And the tears again?Am I going  insane?

Mother told me to come down for breakfast.But I don't feel like eating.

"Mother I don't really..."

"Yuca,your eyes are swollen.Were you crying last night?"

"Me...no"I lie.

And I stuff cereal into my mouth and drank the chocolate milk to avoid further conversation

"Your eyes are really swollen"mother says

"I had  a headache".Why did I eat if I'm still having to answer?

"Maybe we should check your eyes"

"I'm fine".Saying I'm fine makes my eyes watery again.

Holding back the tears I asked"Can I skip the tuition today?"

"You said you're fine"mother says.

"I am... I just need a day off"

"Do you know how much you'd miss by skipping one class?"


"How many months has it been since I had a day off?Maybe years.And it's a sunday"

"Stop complaining"Terry enters the kitchen"Skipping school,skipping classes.What are you upto nowadays?"

"I'm sick"I blurted out.Lies,lies,lies

"She had a headache last night".Terry must have seen my swollen eyes"Do you need to see a doctor"he asks a little worried.

"I just want to rest  today"

"You can rest after you come back"mother says

"Mum,let her rest today"Terry says.Thanks Terry

"Go to your room"mum says

So I go back to my room.It's been so long I had a proper holiday.I  don't even know what to do.

Yes it's a little short and boring.But this power problem is creating excessive trouble.But I might be able to update the next chapter soon ,I'm still trying to make it work.

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