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Right now I absolutely don't want to do anything.But  I  have to.

I soon reached Stacy's house."So  what are you doing today?"

Del turns around"Look who's here?"

"Oh..."Stacy mumbles.So I see yesterday's effects are not wearing out.

"Sorry for what happened"


"Oh it's over.Hurry up you people".Sometimes Del is helpful.

They were planning to go shopping.I've not gone shopping in ages .But today I'm here with my friends.

Jelina made us go to this shop she says is awesome.And soon enough I'm standing between long rows of various outfits.The  variety of colours and those dazzling displays  make my eyes dart from one place to another.Even the air feels new.I'm concentrating on the patterns of a pink shirt.Maybe I've come to look shopping.Or maybe I'm going insane.

"Why are you standing there?Look around"Ella tells me.I  go around  checking one thing then another.I don't rummage through them like the others but I'm intently staring at each trying to figure lots of things out.

"Still not done with the staring?"Stacy approaches with some skirts in her hands.

"Choose one"she says.

"You ask people about these things?And me?"

"Not that I need to"she says smugly"But I want to know your opinion"

Just then Del barges in and announces  she has finished.She then starts barking comments on Stacy's pace and pestering everyone to stop.I smile a little.It's so nice to have them around.

We came out of the store with  our bags of clothes.I just picked random things which were interesting.Unsurprisingly,Jelina is the one with the most number of  bags.

Then I suddenly remembered I still have not bought anything for Sam."Sam who?"Del asks.

"Ah that guy you mentioned?"Ella says recalling.

"Any ideas?What   should be the gift?"I ask.

"The smart girl is asking us for advice?"Stacy sarcastically points out with a knowing look and a grin.

" Likewise"I say  understanding her hint.

"Lots of new things are happening today"Ella says .

"Yes"I say but she proably doesn't understand.

I stopped to look at bunches of flowers."No..."Stacy stares at me with a shocked face."I wasn't going to get those"I say explaining.

I was dragged away from some really  cute keychains  again."Maybe I should've bought shoes?"I say  examining a much decorated   bowl like thing with delicate sparkles which glowed.

"Or those caps...sunglasses we saw"Looking at the bowl thing I realised it looked nice too.

"Or maybe this".Cards and...headphones? Fluffy bears...not a kid.Something versatile and unique.Something which could be useful for a long time.Time?"Stacy I've got it"I say.

We go to a watch store.Jelina rushes in.She's always wanting to buy anything she can.The number of watches in front of us made it hard to make a quick choice.There is a white and blue sparkly one which looks intersting.I pick it up and instantly Stacy snatched it away"No"she says. "That looks  more like eight years old."she says "...Unless it's for one.I won't be surprised if he is".Then she proudly hands me  another watch.The strap is completely black ,so is the dial and everything else and it's huge."Not this"I say.

I pick up another with a silver and white dial with a shining white strap.I was considering buying it when another caught my  attention.It's not something I'd generally wear but it still looks bold and fine.It has a brown and bkack dial with bits if gold rose and a strap which reminds me of rich,dark chocolate...or maybe I'm hungry.But it does look well made.

"Charming"Ella declares."Neat"Del aporoves."Settled then".I had Sam's name engraved at the back  and had it  wrapped.

On the way back Ella stared at me for long and asked"Is there something?"I was a little startled."No"I say and break into an  awkward grin.It's best if they don't know.

It's a very late chapter so sorry.The power situation is still irritatingly the same .The next chapter might not be early.

But there is another chapter so read-

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