Don't like her

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Before I knew it,I was already standing in front  of them.She turned a little but before she could say anything,my fist already landed right  on  his  face.

"What are you...",he began speaking  but I punched   him  again.I saw him preparing his fist too,but I was faster.

"Stop it Jeremy"Crystal yelled.But I kicked him and threw another punch.He tried to block  but he couldn't do  a thing.I made sure he could  not stand up for a while.I even slapped him.

"This is your reason?"I ask staring  at  her.

"No...he's.It's not like that Jeremy,we just..."

"Just shut your stupid mouth"I screamed as I kicked him out of anger"I'm sick  of your  lies.Did you think I'd not find out"

"You're a fool"he says,trying to stand up.

"Says the cheat."I shout"Shut up Terry while you're still alive"I say and walk away.

I  slowly walked towards Yuca.Her smiling face made me forget everything for a few momemts but soon,everything was back and the sight of her face made me want to punch a wall somewhere and throw  fists  everywhere.

"So what is  it?",she  asks.

"It's nothing.Go  back"I say in an hard tone.

"But didn't you say you had something  to  tell me?I'm here to listen"she says ,still smiling.I tried to remain  silent.


"Shut up"I yell  and run away .I saw her freeze but ignored her and moved away.


I haven't  tallked with  Yuca since that  day.She kept calling but it only  annoyed me more.I didn't even hesitate to delete each  of  her texts.I don't care anymore,I'm sick of all this.Finally,I'm glad to leave all this  and go back to training.

At Xcel building,things haven't changed much I still share a room with Celan and Andy,the  schedules  are still tight and there are still long and tiresome practice  sessions and EV's.But now I'm glad to be busy.It helps me take my  mind off many things.

"What happened to the member  choosing thing?"Jack asks.I'm having  lunch with Andy , Celan and Maven when Jack came over.

"Looks like it was just a rumour"Maven says sadly.

"It's a little disappointing.And we still have to practice so much even when we don't  know where we will end  up".

"Welcome to my world kid"Jack says"It's been like that for years for me"he says.I don't really care though,I just need to be busy right now.

It's been about a month and I'm feeling a little  better.The busy days made me tired as I made them busier with more practice.But somehow,my dance  skills did improve  a bit.

On a sunday,I took permission and went out to meet my  friends.We simply hung out like always,playing,eating,catching up.But after the others left,Sam  stayed behind to talk.

"I...there's a girl I like"Sam promptly bursted out.

"Too busy to  help"I say  suspecting something.

"No,listen"his serious voice stopped  me.

"I didn't want to tell you but..."he hesitated"It's Yuca".I felt strange again,maybe anger at the mention of her  name."No surprise  there"I say .I wonder how I forgot about  him when I was racing to her.

"So I need to make sure..."he stopped" can't like her.Maybe you don't ...but still,I've seen how  she looks at you,how she is when you're   around.I clearly know now she...You can't like her,even if  she tells you,please don't say yes.I can't lose her..."I  feel a liitle  hurt.Sam's my friend and I should easily give up considering what  happened but...For some reasons,I don't want to agree.

"Don't worry.His brother messed  up  too much for me to like her"I firmly  tell Sam,but also  myself .He  looks  confused."What  did he do"

"Don't need to  know"I tell him and walked away.

Sorry for the late update.A little bit of spoiler...Yuca spills out her secret in the next chapter.Be sure to check it out.

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