Audition time

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AN- I decided to update even if there are not much  reads till now.So here it goes-

I   just stood there frozen not knowing what to do.It's not that Terry is mean and scary   it's just seeing him , I remembered  we had a test today and I skipped it along with school today.Jeremy's singing  makes me forget a lot of things but sadly a song does not last long and I 'm brought back to reality ,right now in the form of Terry walking up to me.

      Soon enough,Terry came and stood before us."Where have you been all day?And why do I have to listen to your tutors complaining you didn't show up for the test?How dare you ignore your responsibilities ,you...?" Jeremy tried to say something which made Terry turn to him."And who might you be?"Terry asked.

     Thank goodness.It's not very   nice to get lectured in front of friends about responsibilities when I am the type of person I am."This is my friend,Jeremy,we are in the same class"."Hello".Jeremy seems to be relaxed as always."Oh hello"Terry says"Sorry but we have to go

  home  ,nice meeting you.Come yuca we are getting late"giving me a 'you'd rather' look"Sorry Jeremy I'll have to go."He just says goodbye and leaves.

    And so we reach home where I was 'nicely'reminded of the importance of  fulfilling

   responsibilities and so on and on.Why do they even care?It's not like they will be affected if  I skip a test or school.They are important too but can't they atleast consider I might have a reason?People are unreasonable and unable to think rationally and generously when they are worried so I'll just be grateful he's worried.And it's not polite to speak back or get into an argument when elders are angry  so I just remained silent and went to my room.

I'm actually really tired but that's not an excuse for failing my duties which right now is working on my science project and revising my notes.I may seem like I have a lot of time but one single thing postponed can upset my entire schedule.You see I  have to plan out everything and anything.I somehow finish my share of work for today and then listened to music,finally.This is when I feel really peaceful.


It's monday and I'm waiting for  Jeremy before the school gates.I'm still early for classes but I have to make sure Jeremy reaches the audition hall.

About fifteen minutes later I spotted Jeremy's bike which soon stopped before me.Removing the helmet,Jeremy greets me"Aren't you going to the auditions?"I ask. "I guess.It's still early but if you're so worried ,hop on"he tells me tossing a helmet."No,I'm not going today.But I've appointed Sam to fill in ."

"Hey when did you start plotting with my friends?"."I did not plot

.Sam will be here soon."I say.

"You're really not coming?" he asks smiling at me.Don't SMILE at me like that!!! I of course adore his smile but it is so unassumingly manipulative.Even when I'm not very gullible either.

  And right now I'm on the verge of skipping classes yet again.And me tagging along happens to be very useful considering I'm very much trusted by teachers and most parents and most elders,maybe except Terry since yesterday.So he can come up with some excuse for skipping tests  and the others will believe.


While thinking about all this I did not notice Sam has already come.I asked him to make sure he really  goes to the audition.Why do I have to be  concerned about his audition when he should be the one worried?And my am I having to drag his friend into this,isn't he supposed to be obviously worried for Jeremy?I sent them off while I enter the school.I'll have to wait for the results and I'm not very patient.But tests are waiting.

    AN-How was it?It was quiet long.I should try more.Sorry for mistakes.The chapter is a bit boring too.But don't forget to read the next update,I'll be adding a different POV.

    And don't forget to click on the little star to VOTE .And COMMENT.

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