Prologue (1)

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To tell you I didn't love him would be a lie, and to tell you I don't still feel the aching  in my heart whenever the thought of him would makes its way into my sporadic mind, is like saying a zebra has poke-a-dots.

Now, I am not telling you this to scare you away from love, and although it's a torturous feeling it is nothing but beautiful. Instead I am telling you this story because like every love story it deserves to be told. The way his arms wrapped around my waist a little tighter in the dark of night, or the kisses still felt on ever inch of my tingling skin even too this day shouldn't be just kept to one person. A love so overwhelming as the one I felt should be said, and then said again.

Guilt is a word that's better said then felt but I know it's the reason why my pain is so strong. He was better then any man could have been and due to my selfish naive attitude I pushed him away with no other reason but fright. When I was younger that's really the only emotion I felt; other then anger and prideful. I subconsciously yell at myself for those feelings every single day.

I hope one day we cross paths. Whether it be on the streets of Italy or in a pet store in Kansas. I hope our hearts find each other once more; for the day they do will be the feeling of Christmas. I will say all the words I've ever thought and express every fibre of me the way I should of done.

So as I tell this story with my pen and paper on a park bench in London I hope you remember how sorry I am. I hope as the words fall from my head and one day your eyes scan the ink, you promise to remember how much remorse I feel and if in another lifetime I tell you the hole in my heart has been mended, be sure to know that it would be a lie.


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