♥︎Chapter 15♥︎

Start from the beginning

🌸"Really why"I asked raising one eyebrow.

💜"It just adds more mystery into you since you are already a mystery not only to me but to everyone in here"he said letting go of my hand and putting it on my waist just like the other one I putted both of my hands on his back like I am giving him a hug and putted my head on his chest even if I was wearing heels I was still short.

🌸"Haha okay"I said.We swayed back and forth to some more songs like This I Promise You by N'sycn, You and Me by Lighthouse,and I won't give up by Jason Mraz.

💜"You want to go get some fresh air"Austin whispered in my ear while hugging me a little tighter.

🌸"Sure"I said as I let him go from our hug/dancing position he took my hand and lead me outside on a balcony as soon as he opened the door to the balcony the breeze hit me right in the face and I started to shiver a bit.

💜"Are you cold"Austin asked as he noticed I shivered a bit since he was still holding my hand.

🌸"A little"I said Austin letted go of my hand and toke of his jacket.

🌸"But then you will be cold"I said as he started to put it on me.

💜"No I will be okay and plus I can't let a beautiful girl freeze"he said winking at me.

🌸"Thanks"I said as I blushed and looked at the ground.

💜"Yea no problem"he said shrugging his shoulders and leaning on the balcony railing and looking straight ahead.

🌸"So how does it feel to be the school hottie and football player"I said looking at him.

💜"School hottie huh"he said chuckling a bit.

🌸"Yea school hottie I mean come on every girl in the school drools over you"I said shrugging my shoulders.

💜"Oh every girl so does that include you"he said smirking.

🌸"Oh um....no I didn't say that... did I say every girl I mean.... most of the girls"I said I felt my cheeks getting red but good thing it was dark so he didn't notice.

💜"Oh well its nice getting attention from all the girls but I already have a eye on one girl"he said smiling.

🌸"Does Austin Mahone have a crush find out right after this commercial"I said pretending to hold a microphone and pretending I am one of those news people.

💜"Hahahaha your funny"he said laughing.

🌸"I try to be"I said flipping my hair.

🌸"So who is she"I asked looking at him.

💜"That I can't tell you"he said touching my nose with his finger really quickly.

🌸"Whyyyyy"I said extending the y.

💜"Because"he said coming close to me and putting his hands on my waist.

🌸"Because why"I said looking at his eyes and putting my hands around his neck.

💜"Just because"he whispered before I could reply he leaned in and just started kissing me I stood there in shock for  a second and then closed my eyes and kissed him back I felt fireworks exploding in my stomach.We kissed for a while and I decided to pull away but Austin deepened the kiss.We kissed for what felt like hours and I wanted to stay like this for the rest of my life but sadly good things have to end.

🌺"Ahm"someone behind us cleared their throat we pulled away and looked at the person it was Jen.

🌺"Sorry to interrupt but we have to go"she said looking at me I nodded.

🌸"Here thanks for in a amazing night"I said looking at Austin and toke off his jacket and handed it to him then I quickly give him a peck on the cheek and walked to Jen.

🌺"Lets go"Jen said grabbing my hand we quickly ran downstairs,past the crowd of people and out the door in to the car we quickly got in the car and drove off to Jen's house before her parents got home.

🌺"I need the details"screamed Jen as soon as we were on the road.

🌸"I will tell you when we get home other wise keep your eyes on the road"I said to her looking out the window and replaying my magical night.

🌺"You better"Jen mumbled as she kept driving.

💛(Austin Prov)💛

I stood there in shock for a minute wow that kiss was something I never can explain it was magical and also the girl she is different and I think I might have fallen for her already even though I just meet her a couple hours ago and I started to run after her.I quickly ran downstairs and through all the people and out the door.When I made it outside she wasn't there and her friend either I guess they already left I sighed and putted my head down and started walking until something started to sparkle and glow I stopped by it and decided to pick it up I picked it up and looked at it.It was a charm bracelet it had 17 different charms and remembered that the girl of my dreams was just wearing it.

💜"I am going to find you mystery girl whatever it takes I will find you"I whispered and started to walk to my car since I already putted all my clothes that I was wearing earlier  in the car.

A/n:Picture of Zach's house is on the top.Sorry it's soooo late so I typed out the chapter and it got deleted so I had to redo it.But here it is.They finally met🙊 You guys I want to know what you think of this chapter comment down below.

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