She's The Bomb

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"Not now Madison," says Cisco looking piss. Out of anger, I kicked Cisco's leg. Cisco winched, glaring at me.

"It's gone." says Barry leaning on a table.

"Hold up! What do you mean, 'it's gone'?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"What did you do with my- our suit?" Cisco corrected himself.

"It blew up, dude. I managed to get out of it before it went kaboom." Barry says.

"Our suit went kaboom?" I asked in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding."

"Fan fact about Bette San Souci. Sh's not carrying bombs. She touched the emblem on the suit and turned it into a bomb." Barry said, now annoyed.

"She's a meta-human." says Caitlin, joining in the conversation.

"No duh Sherlock and she blow up our suit!" I yelled at Caitlin. Cisco nodded his head in agreement.

"With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact." says Dr.Wells.

"She blew up our suit." Cisco pouted.

"You have, like, three more." says Caitlin.

"Okay, we have two more. I don't know about Cisco, but that was my favorite one." I pouted as well.

"All, right, what else do we know about her?" Barry wrapping his arms around my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. Lucky for him it worked.

"Oh, I don't know. She's pure evil." Cisco said sarcastically. "We're gonna find this girl and send her butt into the pipeline. No one blows up our tech to smithereens and gets away with it." 

Cisco goes over to the computers to look up Bette. "Unless she looks like that." Cisco whistles as he pulls up a picture of Bette. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything about it.

"I don't think she meant to hurt me," Barry explained. 

"Well, her being a meta-humans explains general Eiling interest in her." says Dr.Wells."

"And why he stole the case from us." says Barry.

"He didn't want anyone to know what she could do," says Joe, who just entered the Lab. I sighed, I was so mad at her, but now I just felt bad for her. The army is after her just because she got caught in the particle accelerator explosion. 

"Detective." Dr.Wells greeted Joe as he entered the room.

"Doctor," says Joe. "So human bomb. Must be a Tuesday in Central City." Joe joked.

"Yes, and general Eiling not one to give up a potential asset without a fight." says D.Wells.

"We have to find her before he does." says Barry.

"Barry? Madison? Can I see you for a second?" Joe asked, nodding his head to the exit. Both I and Barry shared a look. We're in trouble. Once we were out of ear shot Joe stopped us.

"When were you planning to tell me that Iris saw the streak?" Joe asked Barry.

"Wait, what?!" I asked angrily looking at Barry.

"That was not planned," Barry said defending himself. "She caught me off guard."

"We had a deal," said Joe. "You keep her in the dark about the meta-humans, and I don't go Floyd Mayweather on you."

"Okay, Joe, I know." Barry sighed.

"And she's writing a blog now." says Joe.

"I already talked to her about that," says Barry. They both then look at me. I let out a long dramatic sigh.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean Barry isn't giving her a speech too, again." I sighed.

"Talk to her, both of you. And be more convincing."

"Okay." both me and Barry sigh. We stood there, awkwardly, none of us moving. Joe raised his eyebrows at us.

"You mean, right now?" I asked.

"Yes, I do," Joe said rolling his eyes.

"Alright." Barry sighed. Barry then lifted me up, bridal style. He then used his speed and ran to CC Jitters were Iris worked at. I tried catching my breath as he let me down in an alley near Jitters.

"A heads up, would be nice, Barr," I tell him.

"Sorry." Barry laughed as he helped me pat down my hair. We enter Jitters and Iris happily walked over to us as we to a seat.

"You've got to stop writing about this guy," says Barry, getting straight to the point. "He doesn't even exist."

"I saw him, Barry," says Iris. "He wears a red suit, like a uniform or something, with a lightning bolt on his chest."

"I mean, Iris, come on." I sighed. "When did you see him?" I asked.

"After that night at the bar." says Iris.

"See, you were drinking last night at the bar." I pointed out.

"I was not drunk, and I know what I saw," Iris said, annoyed and based on her voice, hurt. "He wears a mask. I think he smiled at me." I looked over at Barry and gave him a look. He looked anywhere, but at me. Barry was not making this easy.

"Okay, first of all, if he is wearing a mask, that probably means he doesn't want people to know who he is." Barry points out.

"It doesn't matter who he is. What matters is that people know that he's out there," says Iris. "What is wrong with you guys. This is important to me. Why can't you be more supportive?" Iris asked.

"I'm just... you haven't even put your name on it. How serious can you be about an anonymous blog," says Barry.

"Okay, you know what? Our entire lives, you couldn't scream loud enough that the impossible existed, and now it's actually happening in Central City. I have proof of it, and you don't want to know about it? That doesn't make sense, Barry. Nevertheless, you agreed with Barry, Madison." says Iris. "So when you're ready to tell me what this whole routine is really about, we can talk." Iris then walked away, back to work. Just then Barry's phone rang, showing the Cisco was calling. Putting it over his ear, I learned in to listen to.

"Yeah." says Barry.

"We've piggybacked onto general Eiling own surveillance. According to what they're saying, the lovely Ms. San Souci was just spotted in Inglewood," says Cisco.

"The same neighborhood as Dr.Harold Hadley's office, the military surgeon who performed several procedures on her." I hear Caitlin say.

"That's why she was looking for the folder." says Barry, putting it all together.

"You got to get there before Eiling does." says Cisco.

"Okay," Barry says. He hangs up dragging me back to the ally. "Oh, by the way, Maddy, heads up on the running in super speed." Barry winked at me as he lifted me up. 

"Just hurry up." I laughed as he speeds off to S.T.A.R Labs were he left me on a chair as he went to Inglewood.  


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