Where was I..?

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One question that continued to play over and over in my head. If this wasn't real, and as Sarah had said that this was all in my head. Where was I? Am I sleeping? Am I...dead? I continued to wrack my mind for answers. I hadn't moved from where the emergency van was and where it had departed. I just didn't know what to do next. No one could see me, hear me or better yet know that I was here and alive. Assuming Prim and everyone else thought I was dead. How could I get my body back? I figured I needed a list and since I couldn't physically pick up a pen and a paper, I needed to photographically map and plan everything in my head before I take action. So in my head I closed my eyes and created a list.

1. Find the me. I didn't know where the body was currently, I mean obviously its going to a hospital but I needed to know which one and where it was located before the wrote me off as dead and maybe disposed of the body.

2. In the flesh avoid Prim and anyone else. If what Sarah said was true about this all being in my head that could mean everything that had happened, was a sham. Maybe it was all just a distraction so that I would stay in this illusion longer. I figured since this was my illusion, it was time to definitely make it mine and not let anything get in my way. I needed to avoid anyone who possibly could distract me.

3. Let go??? This was still a question to me as to how to let go, but remembering clearly when Sarah had said this, she followed the statement with "...its all in your head...this isn't real", So maybe I needed to be aware that this was all fake and then maybe I would "Let go and maybe be through with this illusion. But what if some of the things in this illusion was real? How could I tell the difference? Would that mean Brad's death was a sham?....d

4.Escape the illusion. Between 3 & 4 I wasn't sure which one I needed to do first in order to get out of this thing. So ill just leave them with question marks. As much as I would like help from Prim, I needed to try this on my own. If I did seek help from Prim, I would need to proceed with caution and therefore not trust her. For that matter that would mean that if I decided to trust anyone, I would have to caution out everything. That would mean listening to my gut.

I opened my eyes and began to walk in the direction the ambulance had originally drove off in. I should have obviously followed the body. God I feel like a jackass. To pass the time I casually would stare at the clouds above me watching as the took on different shapes and forms. "a cigarette would be heaven right now." I sighed to my self.

After about several hours of walking I found my self on the road in the middle of the woods. I looked behind me, as the same as ahead nothing but trees and road. Where the fuck was this hospital?? In tinbuckto? I groaned and continued walking. Though I wasn't tired or anything, my mind felt tired. You have no idea what its like being completely alone in the woods, and if you do, good for you. Right now I could give no shits.

I needed a better view of where I was so that I could see where I was. Climb a tree. I walked up to a tree that was close to me and I began to climb it. It was Kind of complicated considering I was invisible to the tree, and I could see straight through my feet and hands.

(Fourth wall break) I know your thinking that  I shouldn't even be climbing the tree, I mean the fuck? I'm a ghost. But, shush and keep reading I'm the narrator in this story here. -___- (Back to the story)

When I reached the top of the tree I looked out and I could see a town in the distance. At the near end of the town I saw a hospital. Bingo. It was the only hospital there so, this had to be it. If not, I would be spending another eternity looking for another one in the other direction. I began climbing down from the tree when I miss stepped and I fell. One by one the branches went through my transparent body.

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