My Worst Enemy

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I opened my eyes blurry and looked around. I heard alot of voices downstairs and noise so i made my way downstairs to the noise source. I looked around and saw an ambulance outside prim crying. 

"Hey prim? I'm fine whats up? You don't need all this." I tapped her shoulder and my finger went straight through her shoulder. 

"What....the....fuck..?" I backed away abruptly trying to analyze the un ethicalness of what had just happened before my eyes. I looked at my hands i realized my skin complexion had gone from toned olive, to deathly pale. I walked over to where i noticed the emergency dispatchers loading up a body into the abulence. "Did someone die??" I looked around asking, trying to make eye contact but it was like everyone was ignoring me. 

Moving in closer to the body on the emergency bed i peered over the shoulder of someone who was part of the concerned crowd.  What i had seen sent a cold chill down my spine. 

"Me..?" I  was staring at myself, most likely half dead on the emergency bed. "Impossible...." Then it hit me. Where had this happened before?..... The asylum. It was back. The memories slowly rushed back through my head. Everything. 

"Oh Ashton....tsk tsk have once again made this a whole lot easier for me. You know its a absolute shame that its come to this again.... but one little question....."

I looked over and the voice was coming from me, well the other half dead me. 

"What do you want from me??? seriously?! i have done nothing to you! Is this what you do for a fucking living?" I asked angrily moving through the paused scene. Everyone was frozen it was as if time had froze. 

The other me got up off of the bed and hopped off of the emergency truck.   

"What do i want..? I want revenge. You should know...wait you seriously haven't figured it out yet?"

"Figured what out?" The other me circled me I could hear the contracting shards of glass rubbing together and tearing the skin more as it spoke, and in every disturbing step".  

" remember Sarah..?"

Sarah was my sister. The whole reason i was in the Asylum was because of the whole idiot decision i made. I still have no proper way of explaining why it happened all i know is i was didn't know what i was doing and that i had no control over myself. And it was that same statement that landed me there. I had killed my sister. 

"What about sarah?" I asked.

"You killed her. You stabbed her. You did it repeatedly. YOU HEARD HER SCREAM" 

I began to hear her voice again, screaming and yelling.


"i know bu-"


"i didnt mean it!!"


"IM SORRY " i was on my knees holding my now bleeding ears, closing my eyes shut.

"YOU YOU YOU--you heard me scream" I opened my eyes widely. 


Startled I fell back on my bottom my hands gripping the floor.

As the other me replied I heard Sarah's original voice. Just as tender and soft as it was when we were young. My eyes began to water. Blurring my vision for a split second, call me crazy but I was sure I seen Sarah, in her original form walking towards me. But in the given situation and the recent series of events that has been happening , (form since I could remember) I'm pretty sure that anything could be possible. But could just my insanity talking.

Clearing my eyes from the soon coming flood, I seen Sarah in the original familiar form, as me.

"Sarah why are you doing this?...well...I'm sor-"

" -ry, your sorry I know"

--But your obviously not sorry because if you were, you would have let me leave"

Leave? What could that mean? Not to sound harsh or rude or anything but, didn't she already leave? She was dead right? This was all so mind wracking and bizzare.

"What do you mean leave?"  I asked

"I mean, sleep put my soul to rest." She said as she sat across from me, still in the form of me, well in my body. It was like I was looking in the mirror all over again. A couple times I even blinked real hard to assure myself that everything happening was legit and obviously real. I needed to make sure that everything that was happening was, well happening.

"How do I do that?"

Walking back to the emergency van and climbing back onto the bed in the sitting position. Sarah flashed her true form to me, in her white blooded night gown and tired un-rest and un-peaceful eyes, she looked at me perhaps for truly the last time. "Let go.." Vaguely and emotionless. Sarah disappeared and my body was once again laying on the emergency dispatch bed. My body wasn't moving but I heard her voice. "Oh and Ashton one last thing..." She whispered something I didn't hear anything except for that sound you hear one some whispers a secret. "Sarah I cant hear you can you say it a little louder..?" I walked a little closer towards the emergency van. When I reached the van doors, they slammed shut. I looked around to realize that time had caught back up with me. The crowd was once again murmuring amongst them self's. Prim was motionlessly shedding tears. And within seconds the van drove off.

Though I couldn't feel it, but a vast wind began to pick up and I heard the whisper Sarah had said.

"This isn't real.........its all in your head."

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