Welcome Back To Green Oak (part 2)

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I stood there in aw, as i was the pressence of such beauty. I hadnt moved, but she turned away as she saw me examine her features, her hair was a short pixy cut of brown swepts across her face, and her ears were elf like. Tiny and point like. Her emerald eyes went with her fairy tale features. I was shocked, but i was trying to remember where i had seen a creature like this before.... My mother. I remember her reading me greek mythology and such, about beautiful nymphs, water , forest, and many more. Thing is they were very hard to find, in fact they strived to keep themselfs hidden. So i wonderd why she had exoposed herself to me.


I walked towards her and turned her head to look at me. She was crying. Why?

"Why are you crying?...." I asked with concern. "......Please dont hurt me." "hurt you..?" "Men take advantage of us when they find us....." "I wont hurt you" I pulled her into a hug. She was trembling. I couldnt help but wonder who she was, and why she had been alone, wandering about. "Whats ur name?" "....Prim...Prim Rose." "That's a lovely name" I said as she pulled away from the hug defensivly. "Yeah..i guess" She replied as she picked up her scarf. "We should get going, before the sun sets.." "Yeah" I followed behind her as she hurried ahead. I ran my tongue around my teeth, feeling for the fangs, but they weren't there. Whatever happened, it botherd me and i was determined to find out what it was. I ignored my curious thoughts and continued listening to the sounds of the nature around me. After a while i had found myself admiring her figure. I shook my head and tried to look at somthing else. What the hell....?"Hey Ashton, over here!" She was pointing ahead. I ran to catch up and looked at where she was pointing at. I saw the town of green oak. I was home, i made it. It was a fresh start for me and i was glad to have another chance to start over. "Thats it, thats green oak." I said to her.

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