A Harmless Disguise

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------------- (Jonathan's POV) -------------

If I could buy my own Jarvis assistant, one snap and I could go from business man to a high school student in a whim. But I don't have one so I have to do the changing on my own.

It's almost sunset and I'm with Angela. Actually, she just wants to hop on and join me in my 'pms' - Personal Marketing Strategy.

I'm targetting to visit some cafe near public schools today, but only after I toss Angela near her condominium building.

"This face? This face doesn't look like a teenager to you?! Well, I'm sorry Mr. Midlife Crisis but I can pull off a student look!"

"I'm not having midlife crisis. And I'm not saying that you can't pull off a student look. But you didn't get the memo of bringing your high school clothes today."

"You did not send any memo today, Jonathan."

I smiled and winked at her as I stopped the car in front of her building. "Exactly!"

She growled at me before slamming the car door to my face.

I parked my car on the other street before heading out to Corner Cafe. This cafe sits in the middle of a state university and 2 other private colleges. It is a great spot to do marketing. But I won't be giving out flyers today.

I sat at a high table that's facing the glass windows. Many students walk around, some lounge on the tables.

Corner Cafe leans a bit on the pricey side, but they still have our products as their cheapest alternative. We actually had to specially produce a more modern packaging in order to be included in their shelves. But it was worth it! Corner Cafe is a global chain and they're bringing us out into the world.

I almost got swept away in daydreaming about getting Dewy Drops beside Lady Liberty, if it wasn't for this lady who was reading the job vacancy on the glass window near me.
If she's going to apply here, she better ready herself and not just barge in- whoa! She came in and she's holding a resume!

"Excuse me?"  I blocked her way with my arm.

She looked at me and squinted her eyes. "You?!" she said in a rather loud tone.

I guided her back to my seat and slowly remembered why she looked familiar. She's the one I met last night at Quickmart!

She looks more wasted and really sad today.

"Why are you stopping me?" she asked.

I looked at her from head to toe - actual messy bun, missing earring, wrinkled sleeves, stained khakis, and worn out flats. I wish I did not say that out loud because she's staring at me like she's gonna bite.

"You, high school idiot, don't have to tell me when to apply for work or not. Aren't you too young to judge to me?"

I can't think of anything to say. Her voice is softer now. I don't really know if I should explain or not. I'm not in high school. I'm not an idiot. I know when to apply because I'm the one hiring them. And I'm not young, I just look like one.

------------- (West's POV) -------------

I saw Thompson stepped out of the room silently when he saw Marrah on top of me. I kind of wished he interrupted us. But I have to get this deal. She's the hottest headline today and getting her to stay at Red Wing would be a big help for the company.

She's as pale as Sophie. Her slender physique, perfect for the runway, perfect for me. Just enough to be thrown around, enough to be strong when she pleases to. Sophie's just like this but without the lustful expression that I wish she had.

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