You Got A Fast Car - 1

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That, however, was a month ago and the driver was still showing off his "need for speed" on her otherwise quiet street. She needed to take another approach.

 Secretly (even though she would NEVER admit it ) she was jealous of the mysterious driver. She longed to have her own escape from reality, she longed to hear expensive tyres mark the road, she longed to fly, like she once had... And red happened to her favourite colour.

The next morning Cassidy woke up. Stressed. She had a VERY important business meeting leading to a much needed overseas trip and a million errands to run prior. The icing on the cake was a pounding headache, but thankfully she only had'butterflies'.The fear from attending these meetings had left her long ago and was replaced by the confidence and resilience that was her trademark. However, excelling today was imperative. Cassidy was told often that when her feet hit the floor each morning, the devil would cry"Oh shit! She's up!" And that was the way she liked it.

At this point, Cassidy realized she was running late, really late. She complained and cursed as she shoved an unripened banana into her bag and callously spritzed her favourite perfume on the neckline of a pink blouse and behind her ears. Her skin stung as the perfume collected and trailed down her neck. Cassidy halted her tornado through the house to scrutinize herself in the mirror, after checking her eyeliner was symmetrical and not smudged she applied another coat of her favourite "quite coral" lipstick- to complete her professional look.

Dress how you want to be ADDRESSED she repeated to herself. She checked the time, swore and headed out the door balancing her laptop, binder, sunglasses and cell phone in her freshly manicured hands. She prayed that her past waitressing experience, carrying glasses and plates would prevent this from becoming a train wreck.


He drove down the familiar road on the way to his office in the pack house, except this time, much  slower, (for him at least.) His stomach was unsettled and his wolf was antsy. He suspected it was his betas cooking from the night before - why did he trust that asshole. The odd feeling however still didn't stop him from going faster than the speed limit. As the journey progressed he felt himself become more 'jumpy' and nervous. If this continued he would need to pull over, to grab a bottle of water from the trunk. 

About 5 minutes before he decided he was going to pull over he heard a frustrated scream. It was mingled with the sound of his roaring engine, if he didn't have heightened hearing he would have missed it completely. He reversed his car just enough so that he could see the source of the scream. He certainly hadn't expected the shriek to come from the small framed woman, no girl, he was looking at. The first thing he noticed was her wavy auburn hair it was iridescent and almost glowed in the sunshine He was momentarily distracted by this and didn't notice the array of papers that had been caught by the breeze that his car had made. 

The papers were now scattered all over her driveway. She was now frantically trying to gather the paper, her keys were in the ignition of her car and she looked like she was in a hurry. He couldn't help but watch her carefully. On another day he would have driven right past. She was wearing a tight pencil skirt with a pink top covered by a black blazer she looked as if she had stepped out of a 'women's business wear catalogue.' His eyes widened when she bent down, right in front of him, to retrieve the papers, he felt the sun shine brighter and his body temperature rose. Liam was instantly fascinated by this with powerful woman. After his moment of weakness, he quickly chastised himself for being rude.

He abruptly got out of his car and called to the woman. "I'm so, so sorry!" He flashed her a charismatic smile, hoping to charm his way out of a bad situation.

Nervous laughter, with a hint of agitation, preluded a curt "its fine."

Liam proceeded to gather as many papers as he could, most of them were filled with neat print, and some had data with spreadsheets. He tried to order the paper as best he could before walking over and handing them to the woman, she was also attempting to organize the papers, on the front seat of her car. He didn't miss her glance at her watch and sigh in frustration.

In our stars (Break)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ