Chapter 15

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"What do you mean I'm not allowed through?" I shrieked. The cataloger, who kept track of who entered and left the Reaper Realm, wasn't letting me down to London, and I couldn't figure out why. My shift was over, so there was no reason why I shouldn't have been let through.

"I'm just not allowed to let you go! You can not go unless you're with someone else at all times or for work!" the woman exclaimed. She seemed intimidated by me, and she deserved to be. When I was pissed, you had better be ready for a tornado to blow through.

"My shift is over!" I argued, slamming my hands down on the desk. Sebastian was waiting for me. What would he think if I didn't show up?

She apologized frantically, "I know, I'm sorry, but I'm not the one who is decided this! I'm just enforcing it!"

I demanded, "Then, who did?"

She told me, "I can't tell you who authorized it! All I can say was that it was someone who is one of the people in charge!"

I asked, "How do I get authorized to go to London? Sign some papers? Take a test? How long will it take?"

She answered, "The person who took the privilege away is the only one who can give it back." I wanted to kill someone I was so furious. I couldn't, but I wanted to. When was the last time I had felt such anger? I couldn't even think of it, but someone was about to get hurt over it.

"But, I-" I tried to argue, but I couldn't tell her I needed to go see someone. That wouldn't go over well. I took a deep breath, trying to remember that it wasn't her fault that was happening, and asked calmly, "Can you at least tell me why this is happening?"

"He said it was to keep you from breaking the rules do being a Grim Reaper," she informed me. I bit at my thumbnail. Someone really had seen me with Sebastian, and they had told on me what they saw. Or it had been someone who had authority over me. I didn't know which was worse, but I couldn't wait to turn into my detective mode and search around for the person. There was only one person I could think of that could help me.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was a little past six, but Will told me he would stay an extra thirty minutes to file the souls we had collected. He would still be at his desk if I hurried. I thanked the terrified lady and ran out of the building, having no time to lose. The Division office wasn't exactly right next to it, after all.

I stopped outside the office to catch my breath. It was about twenty minutes before 6:30. He would be in there.

I strode in and called, "Will? Are you in here?"

"I'm at my desk," Will answered, though I couldn't see him. I changed my route for his office. As soon as he came into view, he asked, "What are you doing here, Willow? You just left." He was still sorting out the files.

"Well, I was trying to get into London a few minutes ago, but they said I wasn't allowed to go because someone with higher authority said I couldn't to protect the rules of being a Grim Reaper. I was wondering if you knew who so I can speak to them about the matter," I explained, trying to act sweet and calm.

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