Chapter 11

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I had gotten a little more than three hours of sleep before my first day of work. I had spent a lot more time with Sebastian than planned without realizing it. That meant I was thrown off completely, and running a bit behind schedule.

I busted through the doors of the Dispatch Management Division, panting. I hadn't known where to go, so I had to run quickly and look through all the doors to find it. "You're late," I heard someone remark. I glanced up and saw Will looking down at me.

I gasped, "Only... by... five minutes." I was a sweaty hot mess. That wasn't how I wanted to look on my first day. I wiped my brow and fanned myself a little to cool down.

He argued, "You are supposed to be here at six o'clock sharp no matter what. Since it is your first day, I will let it slide. If it happens again, I'll have you working overtime."

"O-Okay," I stuttered, a little surprised by his harshness. I knew Reapers were supposed to be emotionless, but I didn't think there was a need for that. I was beginning to doubt that he liked me...

"Then, follow me. I will explain things on the way," he told me and started walking off. I followed him obediently. "Since it is your first day, you will not be collecting souls today, but you will begin tomorrow. For now, we usually like to allow the new workers to settle in first. This is your desk."

It wasn't much. It was average size with pens, paper, a typewriter, and a lamp on top of it. "Interesting," I commented.

"I suppose. Let's continue," Will shrugged. I trailed behind him to a desk not too far from my own. A young man was sitting behind it. He wore a suit and had green-yellow eyes, as did everyone, with blonde hair that was black on the bottom half and black glasses. I saw some type of red machine next to the desk. "This is a fellow member of the Division, Ronald Knox. Ronald, this is our new coworker, Willow Porter."

I walked over to him and smiled, "Nice to meet you."

He smiled back and stretched his hand out to me, "Likewise." I shook his hand.

"Ronald, I need you to help Willow for her first day," William told him.

Ronald stood up and apologized, "Sorry, boss, but I can't. I've got a lot of souls to reap today and I don't plan to be staying overtime. I've got things to do tonight." He grabbed the strange object.

Will dismissed, "Grell will be taking care of the souls you have today."

Grell, who was in the desk next to his, barked, "Excuse me, I don't believe I agreed to that!"

"You didn't. I'm telling you now," Will glared.

"I get to spend the day doing nothing with a pretty girl? Count me in!" Ronald exclaimed, leaving the contraption and moving next to me. I blushed at the compliment.

"Remember that this is not a date. This is strictly business," Will reminded him.

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