Chapter 10

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That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I hoped Sebastian would say that I was wrong. He was something else. Anything else. He hadn't, though. I was right.

When I thought about it, I really didn't know much about him. The mystery was, I must admit, what drew me in. He fascinated me in how he could do all these things faster and better than anyone else could. He could fight like no one I had ever seen. His personality could be a bit complex, but I had seen how kind he was. Who cared if he could be cruel? I hadn't. Not one bit. I just loved the little bit of Sebastian I knew.

I was so captivated that I never even bothered to ask him questions that you should know about someone you care about. When was his birthday? Where was he from? Did he have any family? Did he have friends? Hobbies? Hell, I didn't even know his favorite color! Those small things that made a person hadn't crossed my mind. Perhaps it was part of his plan to stay a secret, but I didn't like it. Not anymore. I didn't even know what was true and what was just a façade. It felt like everything was a lie.

"Why didn't you just tell me? What are you even doing here? Does Ciel know about what you are?" I demanded.

"He's the only reason I'm here," Sebastian explained. "I'm in a contract with him. After he has gotten revenge on the people who killed his parents, I will take his soul."

I gasped, "How can you just do that?!"

He said, "As I told you before, humans are only food to me. That is it."

"What is so horrible that would make a child create a deal with a demon?" I shrieked.

"As you know, on his tenth birthday, the mansion was burned down and his parents were killed. During that, he was captured by a Satanic cult and used for rituals. They tried to sacrifice him. He was close to death when he called for me. Of course, it was by accident. No child intentionally calls on a demon.

"In order for me to claim his soul, I must help him achieve revenge on the people who killed his parents. Until then, I am to protect him and follow his every order. I was named Sebastian Michaelis and, in order to keep close to him, I became the Head Butler of Phantomhive," Sebastian told me. He took off his left glove with his hand. It revealed a black pentagram. "My contract symbol is on my left hand. His is on his right eye, which is why it is kept hidden under his eyepatch. Otherwise, nothing is wrong with his eye. His vision is fine." He put the glove back on.

"I couldn't tell you the truth, because it would be going against an order. I can't do that. If I did, what kind of butler would I be?"

I knew Sebastian had saved Ciel. I knew their bond was special, I just didn't realize in what way. A butler and master bond like no other. The two were pretty special, though...

"Why doesn't Ciel know who I am anymore?" I demanded.

Sebastian explained, "My lord has amnesia. His soul was taken from me in a vulnerable moment, and with that, it took some memories with it. He has no recollection of any events that happened before the passing of his aunt. That means your arrival. The chance of him ever regaining the memories are highly unlikely."

My mouth dropped open. Ciel had truly forgotten about me. He couldn't remember anything about me or any of the things we had done. It was all lost. It was like I had never been to Phantomhive Manor. My presence was wiped out there. They all had to pretend like I didn't exist, and it hurt, even if I did understand why.

"What is your name?" I wondered, wanting a change of subject while the news sunk in.

"I am Sebastian Michaelis," he answered.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, I know that. I meant, what is your real name? Sebastian is the name given to you by Ciel, not the one you were born with."

Sebastian told me, "I cannot answer that. The name Sebastian Michaelis was given to me by my master, so it is my only name currently, and will remain that way until the contract has ended." Interesting...

"Then, that photograph you took of me was correct when you appeared in it? There was no mistake?" I asked.

"Since I am not of this world, yes, it was correct," he nodded.

I accused, "You knew you would appear after all!"

He defended, "I didn't know what would come through! I only knew I was one of the options. I never expected it to be me." Yeah, likely story, I thought sarcastically.

I finally asked, "What are we supposed to do now, Sebastian? How can we be together when we're supposed to despise each other?"

"I don't really know, Willow. It has to stay a secret. For now, at least. Especially from the Reapers. I'm sorry, but it is the only way I can think of that might work," Sebastian told me. Just when I had thought that I could be living freely... that was taken away. I then had to harbor another huge secret. Of course, it was worth it. I loved Sebastian with all my heart, and I couldn't stand to let something get between us.

I frowned, "If that is what must be done to stay with you, then I won't speak of it unless I have to." I blushed as he put both of his hands of the sides of my face. He was smiling softly, admiring me.

"For over a week, I've thought you were dead. I never expected to know such a grief. To feel it. Realizing I would never be able to see or touch you again. I'd never get to hear your voice, telling me I was being arrogant or something of that nature. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I just watched the building fall..." he trailed off. I could hear the regret in his voice and see it in his eyes.

"I had to die, Sebastian. It was meant to be that way. And if my last sight got to be you all over again, then I wouldn't be too angry dying," I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

He laughed a little and told me, "I missed you so much, Willow. I'm happy you're back."

"I love you a lot," I grinned. I kissed him lightly before pulling away.

"I love you, too," Sebastian responded, pulling me to him once more and kissing me passionately.

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