Chapter 14

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I wasn't able to see the records of those who had left and entered the human world. It was confidential, apparently. I understood why it was like that, but I wished it hadn't been. That meant I would never find out who had seen me.

As I walked into the Division's office, I didn't hear one word about what happened the night before. No one looked at me strange, so my popularity must have also went down. Still, I kept my eye on everything. I didn't know who could have been the one to see me with Sebastian. Reapers were emotionless, but if I could find something different about one of them...

When I walked over to my desk, I saw Grell sitting on top of it, filing his nails. I asked, "Grell, what are you doing on my desk?"

He looked up and gushed, "I absolutely love your glasses! Red suits you if it's in moderation. You seem like someone who should be bathed in black. And your new scythe is to die for! Ronald told me how he managed to get it made quicker. He's such a flirt, but I just love it! Don't you?" So, he really is gay, I concluded.

I scratched my head, "Well, uh, I have a boyfriend already."

"Really? That soon? Well, go on and tell me who the lucky Reaper is. Don't leave a woman like me in the dark. I love good gossip!" he exclaimed, smirking. At least I knew he probably wasn't the one I was looking for. He would have told everyone by then.

"Uh..." I hesitated.

"Oh, come on! You can trust me! It'll stay between just us girls," he tried to convince me, saying the last sentence in a hushed tone. I couldn't figure out if he really thought he was a girl or if he was just saying that...

"My boyfriend isn't a Reaper. I was with him before I died," I explained.

"Well, that's not much of a story, is it?" he said, standing up. I frowned. He put his hands on his hips and shrugged, "Sorry, honey, but that ship has sailed. I had a boyfriend before I died, too, but you get over it pretty easily. You should break your ties with him before you get too stuck on keeping him."

I ignored what he said and repeated, "What were you doing on my desk?"

Grell told me, "I was waiting for you. You'll be working with me today!"

Ronald laughed as he walked past us to his desk, dragging his death scythe behind him, "Yeah, good luck with that."

Grell barked, "Excuse me, I was the one who did all your work yesterday! I should get a thank you!"

Ronald argued, "You wouldn't have done it if Will hadn't forced you to!"

"It's true, Grell," Will intervened, walking up to the three of us. "You may continue your discussion after your shifts are over. Willow, you'll be assisting me today. I mostly want you to observe, but you will be helping me some as well."

"You said Willow would be with me," Grell pouted.

The Reaper (The Assassin Series Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now