Authors Note | Serious.

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Hi guys.
I guess by the title of this authors note, it's gonna be a bit serious.

I've had a though over the past few days, that has honestly stopped me from posting my new book, and even stopped me from leaving my house.

School has rolled around and status in a few days for me, and I'm writing this quite late (11:00pm) but I just, I'm so close to falling back into that hole known as sadness/depression. I already struggle with anxiety, social anxiety, ect. So this is hard for me. I can't even write for shit.

It sucks, and honestly is pulling me down and my mind has gone to ver very dark places in the past few days/weeks. So if you struggle with anything like this it will get better.

The new book is postponed, and this book is still on hold.

Please comment feedback on this and what you guys think... I'm sorry ):


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