How to Get the Girl

585 19 8

Song: .......\_(._.)_/


Maks dialed Sharna's number.

"Hey Maksim."

"Hey Sharna, wanna go out for dinner? Like you know, as friends like we used to."

"Sure love to! Meet you at seven at the place by my house."

"Ok awesome see ya."


Sharna left at the appropriate time, and met Maks by the door. He kissed her cheek and they went in and seated themselves. They had small talk until Maks thought about Peta.

"Sharna, does Peta still love me?"

"Ya know bud, I really don't know."

"Do you know if she's happy with Brant?"

"Oh heck no. He was cheating on someone with her, then made out with another girl."

"He what?!"

"You heard me."

"I'm gonna kill him."


"No, he hurt her. She's already been so much pain, most of it caused by me, she doesn't deserve this."

"You still really love her, don't you?"

"Well of course I do. That's why I've been trying so hard to get her back."

"Maybe confronting Brant would be a good idea. Show Peta how much you love her, stop telling her."

"You're awesome Sharna. Thanks. So I heard you're thinking about adoption?"

"Yeah, we've already done most of the paperwork. We're going to a home for girls tomorrow."

"Oh so it's girls you're looking for?"

"Well we both really wanted girls, preferably older ones, since theres a lot of the teenage ones that need families."

"That's so sweet of you guys."

"Yeah, I guess there's a silver lining to me not being able to have kids."

"You get to give homes to those who need them."


Their food came and they are and talked the night away until it was nine o'clock, then they parted ways. Maks walked in to see Jenna sitting on the floor.

"Jen? Whatcha doin?"

"Val and I are playing spin the bottle."

"But there's only two of you."

"That's the point."

"Oh gosh. Where's Val?"


"Ok, tell him I said goodnight."

"Will do!"

Maks went to bed, with Peta on his mind. Just like every other night.


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