You don't think she....

390 12 2

*At school* 

"Jax junior?" 

"Yeah what's up?" Jj asked (I'm gonna start calling him jj every now and then 

"how come were stuck here doing the dirty work for jax and daniel while they have fun with each other?" 

"Cause jax wants to lick his babies lollipop and not have to clean up the raw sewage that is foaming from the councils mouth" 

"Wow that was really descriptive" daniel replied blushing he looked at the notebook sitting in front of him before sighing deeply 

"Sorry but this might be forever or maybe just until shit cools down with the council and emma stops freaking out" jj said before putting down his pencil and looking at emma's empty seat in front of him andi sitting  right next to it he leaned forward taping andi's shoulder 

"Andi where's emma?" He asked pointing to the open seat next to her 

"I don't know I haven't seen her for a few days the last time I talked to her she was super pissed at me for helping jax and daniel" andi replied before turning back around jax junior ran his fingers through his hair before turning to daniel 2 with a worried expression 

"Oh no you don't think she..."


"Have you talked to mr.novoa?" Aggey asked when he transported in 

"Yes he says he'll take care of it" lily replied aggememnon gave her a look that said bullshit before shaking his head slowly 

"What?" She asked 

"I don't trust that novoa kid to do the right thing have you asked him if he did it lately" 

"No and you shouldn't be so on top of the kids all the time it's because of us that emma went wild and out of control last year and that jax started being rebellious again" 

"Are you seriously suggesting that I had anything to do with the chosen ones wild character and mr. Novoa's overly rebellious additude?" Aggey asked 

"Yes if you and desdemona weren't always on top of emma and jax all the time maybe they would still be somewhat civilized" lily responded 

"I refuse to have this conversation with you anymore" 

"Because you know I'm right!" 

"What are you on your menstrual cycle God lily" Aggey said before transporting out 


"I doubt it" daniel 2 said 

"Come on its possible" jj replied 

"No it isn't you know why it isn't because emma may be being a total bitch and an over sensitive asshole and you know what maybe she's on her period..." 

"For more than a week I doubt it plus she disappeared without a clue as to were she went"  

"You don't think she went to go find jax and Daniel do you?" Daniel 2 asked scared 

"I'm sure she wouldn't I mean she disappeared before they left so maybe she's at her house" jj replied 

"What are you guys talking about?" Andi asked walking up to them 

"Where do you think emma dissapered to?....." 

Rahartadamsislove: that's a good question jj guys if you think you know were emma disappeared to write it in the comments section I will reveal where she is in the next chapter ;) 

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