He likes it when I call him daddy

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A week had gone by since we had arrived here I was at the kitchen table downstairs eating cereal when jax and daniel came downstairs well more accurately jax was holding daniel while daniel sucked on his thumb looking extremely pale and messy both of them had messy hair and daniel was wearing jax's t-shirt and only jax's t-shirt!

"Ok what the hell is wrong with him?" I asked jax trying to ignore daniel's light whines and erection

"He's really hot and bothered at the moment" Jax replied I looked away as jax began to lightly stroke daniel's dick under the table daniel giving off light moans and allowing his body to lean slightly off of jax's lap his hands touching the floor as jax continued

"Why don't you guys do that upstairs?" I asked a little agitated

"I told you you might have to deal with stuff like this"

"You never said you we're going to be stroking daniel at the table!" I replied

"Well I'm hungry and once you get him started he's on a roll for hours!"

"Hey guys..." Junior followed by a tired daniel 2 came downstairs junior trailed off as he watching jax's hand pump daniel

"What this is normal!" Jax said junior shook his head slowly as daniel 2 tried to cover a nose bleed

"I think you two are sex crazed" junior said sitting down and grabbing the cereal from the center of the table pouring some into his hand and eating it

"Not like I can really help it daniel's like this every waking moment" Jax replied yawning daniel finally squirted his essence hitting the floor and getting all over jax's hand

"What are you two gonna do when you have a kid?" Daniel 2 asked grabbing a bowl and snatching the cereal away from junior who in turn have him the finger

"Woah woah woah! A kid no one said anything about a kid" i said a little loudly cause i scared junior who was getting some milk

"Yeah we're having a kid eventually problem?" Jax asked as daniel ran his fingers up his shirt touching his hard chest jax shivered at his cold finger tips

"No I'm just wondering how you can do that if daniel is constantly getting dicked down by you and laying across your lap while you jerk him off!" I yelled daniel 2 running off with another nose bleed and junior walking upstairs with his cereal

"IF you don't have a problem with it why do you act like you care so much?!"

"Because I was trying to sleep last night and you were fucking daniel so loud I had to close the door and sleep in the closet!" I yelled back

"For someone who says they don't want to go back to school you sure are making me want to send you there!"

"Look jax I just wish you two would calm down a little you guys are acting sex crazed you guys have been fucking every where in this house since we got here you guys flooded the bathroom floor and left what I'm really hoping was just semen in the bath tub you guys fucked in the living room, the study hall, the kitchen, and the bathrooms all 5 of them!"

"Well that's what you get when you mix two gay teenagers in a big ass house with not much else to do before they get married and have kids!" Jax said making me stop his eyes were filed with love and compassion I sighed daniel had gotten up and was now bouncing on jax making light moaning noises his arms tightly gripping around jax's neck and his body looked flushed

"Sorry andi but I have to i can't resist" he said I looked at daniel's face he was drooling slightly and was blushing hard I sighed beckoning for them to leave jax smiled picking daniel up and running upstairs with him I smiled softly finishing my breakfast alone

"I guess they are pretty cute together" I said aloud before I heard a loud thud and daniel screaming almost the entire house filled with there loud moans and groans and daniel yelling oh daddy followed by jax's how much do you love me

Rahartadamsislove: awww they are really cute thanks guys for reading this chapter I hope you all liked it and thanks for following me ;)

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