Just a dream

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Daniel had run to school that morning he was nervous, happy ,scared, worried, and a little hungry his guitar hung close to his chest and his sweat dripping into his pants he finally made it to school breathing hard and made it to his locker the hallways were close to empty except for a few kids talking off in corners he saw jax and breathed harder then he had ever breathed before walking over to him 

"Hey jax" he said softly giving him a smile 

"Hey what's with the guitar?" Jax asked smiling back daniel gulped coughing softly 

"Well I wanted to sing how I feel" daniel replied (ps this is the song just a dream if you want to look it up look up the nightcore version it's the best version) Jax leaned against the locker and daniel smiled playing the soft music for the intro before singing 

"I was thinking bout you thinking bout me thinking bout us and what we're gonna be open my eyes it was only just a dream

So I traveled back down that road when you come back no one knows I realized it was only just a dream" the hallways slowly filled as daniel sang on 

"I was at the top and now it's like I'm in the basement number on spot now you're finally my replacement 

I swear now that I can't take it knowing somebody's got my baby now you ain't around baby I can't think I should have put it down should have got that ring but I can still feel it in the air see your sexy face run my fingers through your hair my friend my life my bae and my strife you left me hung dry cause I know that it just ain't right 

I was thinking bout you thinking bout me thinking bout us and what were gonna be open my eyes it was only just a dream 

so I traveled back down that road when you come back no one knows I realized it was only just a dream it was only just a dream" daniel sung finishing the song jax smiled 

"Daniel.. That was beautiful" he said softly everyone was now clapping but to daniel it felt like the hallway was empty jax and daniel moving closer to each other when all of a sudden daniel disappeared 

"Daniel! Daniel!" Jax yelled the hallway disbursed in a flurry of kids jax ran he didn't know where he was going but he knew he had to go find daniel 

"Jax!" Someone called andi ran up to him panting her lungs hurt from the running 

"Andi not now I can't find daniel!" Jax yelled exasperated 

"Jax...emma took him" andi panted out 

"Where?!" Jax yelled shaking her 

"I don't know but I'll help you look" she said after gaining her composure jax nodded and they ran off 


"So I told you nicely to stay away from jax but you didn't listen now did you" 

"Let me go emma it's over jax likes me" daniel yelled 

"No he doesn't he loves me!" Emma squeeled 

"Correction loved" daniel replied 

"You really want to be funny right now I can turn you into a snail and pour  salt on you" 

"Emma this is crazy think about all the people your hurting think of everyone that loves you and me" 

"I want to be back with jax I don't care about you but if he hadn't gone all circle on me I wouldn't have to get rid of you now which would you rather be dumped In the ocean or be locked in a pit of snakes" emma asked daniel screamed squriming 

cliffhanger time where are daniel and emma and will jax get there before daniel ends up dead and will daniel and jax finally be together if you want to find out you have to read my next update;) 

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