Masquerade and jalen

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Five months later.... 

"Guess who got sand in his undies today!" Jax yelled up to junior who came down picking up a extremely happy jalen 

"Hi junior" jalen yelled 

"Aww how did you manage to get sand there again!" Junior said hugging jalen tight and running up to the bathroom 

"Daddy will you tell me where me and jalen came from now?!" Masquerade yelled hugging daniel tightly around his legs 

"Not today that's a future conversation" daniel replied 

"I got chu let daddy rest ok pumpkin" Jax said picking up masquerade who squeeled with delight 

"Aww why?" She asked pouting 

"cause daddy needs his rest and you need your sleep it's nap time!" Jax said throwing her over his shoulder 

"No! I wanna watch nickelodeon!" She screamed kicking her legs and laughing Daniel sighed falling down on the living room couch 

"Ugh kids are a lot of work!" He panted 

"Bet you can't catch me!" Jalen yelled running down the stairs naked junior right behind him 

"Jalen please listen to junior you need to get that sand washed away or else you'll get a rash!" Daniel said grabbing jalen and bringing him back up to junior he sighed In relief just as jax was coming down the stairs 

"God those kids will be the death of me!" Jax sighed jumping into a chair daniel laughed looking at his  messy hair and clothes 

"Looks like masquerade tried to do your hair again!" Daniel said laughing 

"If we didn't have kids you don't even know what I would do to you right now" Jax said in a husky voice 

"Why don't you tell me?" Daniel asked jax smiled leaning in close and whispering it into his ear 

"Jax you naughty boy" daniel replied smaking jax's arm and blushing jax leaned in kissing daniel passionately daniel moaned softly into the kiss a few minutes later the pulled away out of breauand tired 

"I love you jax novoa" daniel said softly his eyes drooping 

"I love you too daniel miller" Jax replied before they both fell asleep andi came downstairs tired after jax had walked upstairs with masquerade jax had asked her to put her to sleep so he could rest with daniel of course that task was easier said then down as masquerade was extremely hyper because daniel had let her have some candy when she walked downstairs she saw the two fathers sleeping soundly together on the couch 

"They are really cute together" she said softly masquerade was a girl while jalen is a boy the two of them twins both being extremely cute but hyper as well masquerade was a little blond haired girl with curls and blue eyes her brother jalen having blond hair that jax like to match with his own and blue eyes after jax and daniel got married they went to an adoption agency and got the twins falling in love with them at first glance 

"Hey andi you good" junior who andi had not realized had come in walked up to her his clothes messy and his hair wet 

"What happened?!" Andi asked 

"Well jalen is hyper even without candy to help him out" junior replied running his fingers through his wet hair 

"Hey where's daniel 2?" Andi asked 

"Beats me I'm sure he said he was going to get groceries" junior replied 

"I'm going to go take a nap did you get jalen to sleep?" 

"Yep that's what lavender does for ya" andi rolled her eyes tiptoeing upstairs and closing the door to her room softly 

"Hey guys I'm back with the groceries!" Daniel 2 yelled waking up the twins daniel and jax 

"Fuck!" Junior said loud enough so that daniel 2 could hear but quiet enough so the twins couldn't 

Rahartadamsislove: sorry junior:.( anyway guys the next chapter is the last chapter it is the deleted scenes chapter hope you guys will like it ;) 

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