Jax novoa to the nurses office immediately

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"Need some help" Jax whispered in my ear before smiling and lightly bitting my earlobe I shivered in pleasure blushing at the same time making him laugh he liked making me nervous in class 

"Y-yes" I replied and he smiled that bright cheeky smile before showing me how to do the problem then when no one was looking he sneaked in a little kiss making me blush 

"Aww your so cute" he commented making me sigh and blush harder he laughed running his fingers through my hair 

"Jax novoa to the nurses office immediately I repeat Jax novoa to the nurses office immediately" 

"Sorry daniel its probably wizard stuff" he said to me I sighed pouting and he growled making me blush and get hard then he laughed running his fingers through my hair before Leaving the class room 


Once I was in the hallway I walked down to the nurses office and knocked on the door my guardian lily was sitting in her normal chair she looked at me before telling me to sit on one of the nursing tables 

"Yes lily you wanted to see me" I said feeling slightly worried by now 

"Yes I did aggemeomnon and desdemona told me that you we're dating daniel" lily replied 

"I am still dating daniel so..." 

"Well as aggey told me there's a rule that says wizards and witches can not date there same gender and cannot date humans for the fear of them finding out about us and destroying the realm" 

"Since when was there a rule that says wizards and witches have to like a different gender" Jax asked standing up 

"Jax that's not the point the point is that if you continue to date daniel you will not only get your powers taken away you will also lose daniel forever" lily respond standing up herself 

"What do you mean?" Jax asked losing his patience 

"It means that daniel will have to be transported to another life like he was when emma choose you over him" 

"But he would still remember me right" 

"No I course not that's why for your safety and his you have to break up with him" lily replied Jax bit his fist anger heating up in his body he had just gotten with daniel he didn't want to lose him he nodded to lily before leaving the office and heading out into the halls which were getting crowded now because the bell had rung 

"Hey Jax what did lily want?" Daniel asked that adorable happy look on his face making me feel so bad 

"Come with me" I said dragging him into the bathroom before bringing him into a stall 

"Jax what are we doing in here" he asked I could see he was getting an erection it was proving really hard for me to not want to just take him right here in this stall 

"I'll explain later just hug me" I said he looked confused but obeyed hugging me tightly around my waist I could smell his arousl and i could feel my own erection peeking up but before I could do what I wanted to do I transported us out 

If loving you is wrong (a janiel story)Where stories live. Discover now